White Russian

Ingredients: 1 Part Kahlua, 1 Part Vodka, 1 Part Cream or Milk, ice cubes

Method: Pour the Kahlua and Vodka over ice, into short glass. Top with cream or full cream milk. Serve.

Still a fantastic Sunday drink.

Oh dear god. I finally get up from throwing up many different drniks fro the last night's fetish ball and what do I see? A post for a drink. My tummy is shrivling into my body as we speak. puke
So the doctor ordered me off work for a week. A kind of interesting predicament to be in when all you really do is work. I did manage to avoid work for an entire week (only achieved once before and I was out of the country) and do the following:

brain pain? eeek
This is a test post for my new homepage design (this kinda feeds it wink ).

So today is 40 years of Hauraki!

The radio Hauraki history is far more than I can tap out in this blog at 9am in the morning, but needless to say they are legondary in not only New Zealand broadcasting but radio broadcasting around the world.

40 years ago today the Tiri set out for broadcast testing. I really wish I was around to...
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Pass the rum & stay away from Whangaparaoa! ARRR!!!
Gah.... mind is lost. I think Ozzy said it best:

"All day long I think of things
but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind
if I don't find something to pacify"
As America votes I eat a Shepherd's Pie.

... still hungry frown
I love Sheperd's Pie.

I'm really happy with this election. My ass hurts from right-wingers. mad They're running this country in the ground as they steal everything they can get their hands on.

I voted early via touchscreen. I wanted to be one of the first to be disenfranchised. The old people had a hell of a time figuring out how to operate them.
So this week I have the wonderful pleasure of working 6am till 12pm [sic].


My prefered hours are 11pm - 6am smile

They did just announce that the xmas party will be held at the Beveryly Hilton, which will be much more accomodating than the location they had last year, way out in Woodland Hills or wherever the hell it was

"Tis the season moe!"

One thing I miss about working for a 'larger' company was the 20 odd other companies we did business with would just all have 'customer' parties. Drinks drinks drinks for 3 weeks before the 25th. No work got done. No liver went untouched. smile

Awsome news on the bass too man... new kit rocks! smile

Haven't been to a work christmas party in years. Didn't have a steady job. This will be weird since the five other branches of the company will be there. Lots of strange faces + free booze + Beverly Hills = trouble. Who should I bring?

Thanks, man. I'm really looking forward to having a nice upright bass again.

Working odd hours is always a mixed bag. Look at the bright side and use the afternoon to get all your errands done when everyone else is at work. When the weekend comes it's fire up the barby & jump in the pool! skull

Back from training....

adj : affording or marked by rest or repose; "the time spent was
pleasant and relaxing"; "a restful night"; "a cool and
reposeful glen" [syn: restful, reposeful]

So relaxed.

It was 1am. It was Friday. I was smoking a cigar and drinking whiskey in the best spa pool in the whole world. Life is good.

On the serious side of training....
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So am about to fly out for 5 days of internal company training. Should be a blast biggrin

Nice island, lots of beer, plenty of smokes & cigars, a spa and of course, plenty of hacking apps.


Back Sunday.
Yeah, great costume, huh? biggrin

What the fuck kind of company do your work for, that has that kind of training? shocked
Well, aren't you a lucky bastard then? smile

Enjoy! (like you need to be told...)