hmm. I've been talking to this beautiful woman that looks like a baroque portrait painting. *dusts off nonexistant dust from shoulder* and I'm studying up for class come august. looks like my house is going to come through, but I still need an apartment for a few months. otherwise, relatively stress free. finished laclos's "dangerous liasons"- i can't spell the french.....and I ended up being...
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you impress me with how you're just a drop older than me and yet, so together... shit, you bought a house, you're going to med school (it is med school, right? or just grad school? either way i've taken 5 years to get halfway through an undergrad degree, so i'm damn impressed)... all this crazy stuff. wow! so good luck in this upcoming chapter of your life. keep in touch. i'm heading to CA for the rest of the summer with my lovely lady... maybe at some point in the future we'll be in FL at the same time and can take your dogs to the beach and talk books...
thanks for offering to help out. My house goes on the market beginning of August. I figure a couple of months after that before I have settlement. Lucy is great around little kids and other animals.
sometimes I feel a little out of my skin. How is it that movies and books can so vividly bring out fears, and yet the real thing never does, well maybe.
Not like that....I just turned off the Aviator because the decent into "madness" was too real for me. I have walked into anatomy labs full of headless corpses, but somehow the feeling of being...
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caffeine. I'm a big fan of the coffee. biggrin what do you study in school?
I'm back from NJ. I might have bought a house, (have to find out if the bank accepted my offer) and school starts in August. ....oh shit. Biochemistry, physiology, genetics, histology, OMM, with cell biology block. I have twelve books for Biochem. Geekily enough I already have three of them from undergrad. Biochem. I never sell my books back. That class is going to kick...
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I just have not gotten enough done this week. Practically moved out, need to remulch my backyard before I leave, since I told my landlady I would do that. I have to look for a new (well used) car.
Though I did start throwing pots again. Most excellent. It's been a while, because I broke and dislocated my finger, and it has taken a long...
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Hey, I'm going to be researching at the NIH this summer. A little nervous, but excited.

There are many forms of medicine that are too depressing for me to go into as well, so I really have no idea where the course of time and introductory courses will take me...
Oh, and "needing to use computers, but never feeling like I understand them" is so very true. I like the fantasy as well.
So not much has happened this week. I read a few good books, watched a few good movies, saw a few good people with uncurable and life altering diseases and decided I would actually enjoy owning the sound track to Man On Fire, and I rarely listen to something and decide I just have to own it.

In other news...
Memorial day is the worse...
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Sorry about Shell Island my dear.... I had an awful Memorial day as well (see my jourmal)
What movies did you watch?
You write such worthwhile journal entries. As I have a habit of staying up until like 4AM long after everyone else is asleep, I often run out of things to do, and find myself, of late, browsing member journals on SG. I'm always excited when you've posted something new. You're so thoughtful.

So you're moving up north, you mentioned? Bummer, because FL is the best place in the continental US. I think so anyway. But congratulations. I hope you feel like you're making a positive transition.

I just got a new tattoo. I'll be posting new pics in a litle while. biggrin
Hmm. Well I'm reading Fast Food Nation, which is interesting, but not really alot of stuff I didn't know, from both external sources, and intuitively. I still haven't finished Power Politics, but I will. I just misplaced it, and haven't had the energy to look for it. Didn't get a chance to throw any knives today, but when it gets a little cooler this evening...
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I wish you had gone to PCP! PixieTits was there, actually, and it was pretty neat, I can see that you know her, in some regard at least. Thanks for your cute comments a while back. I haven't been online much so it took me this long to say something nice in return. I like you and you seem exceptionally smart, especially in comparison to most, you know, online community denizens. Anyway I hope you're doing well. I won't be in St. Pete for the summer after all... going to KW. Someday I hope I'll see you in real life... until then.... keep writing intelligent things in your jornal so I have something to keep me amused... tongue
SO I should be going to New College PCP, but I really don't think I am. In other news I chilled out with my friend shelby and that was cool. I took her on a tour of the 'hood and we found out by accident where this kick ass barbeque place was that we had eaten at at a festival a few weeks ago. Score....
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wow. i wrote stuff and it didn't save. it was something along the lines of me ranting about how medicine is a racket and i have such huge qualms about the whole thing, and how utterly annoyed i am at incompetance. when you are injecting a site, i expect competance. I would expect it from myself and you laboratory technicians and doctors of the world...
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I found it hot smile

I too get intimidated by other's intelligence.. or maybe just in 'awe'!

okay. So I watched the Green Mile and it was so sad and just fucked up in general. I actually cried at the end, but it was as much from frustration at a retarded train of thought. I do not accept corporal punishment, so i thought the whole premise was fucked up. and yeah, how sad is that, Tom Hanks lives for really long time...
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I've never seen the Green Mile. People seemed to like it though. I appreciate how emotionally invested you seem in the movie. Most people are so apathetic.

How have you been? How's shit up in St. Pete? Did you ever make it down here to pillage the free table?
It is now officially my ex-girlfiend/fiance's birthday. She is naturally a Friday the 13th baby. If I could somehow get my birthday wishes granted, it would be that she never left.