So I'm in a D&D campaign on Monday nights. Anywho. My group is as such:

Male Tiefling Fighter / Eldritch Knight (me)

Male Human Barbarian

Male Half - Orc Barbarian

Male Human Fighter

Female Tiefling Cleric

So far I've managed to pick the lock to the jail cell I woke up in and the door to the jail itself. The Half - Orc kicked his...
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just started watching dollhouse on netflix and i gotta say i'm happy. that is all
i got bored. work @ 4 PM EST till 1 AM EST. today is my fifth straight day at work, got one more then i'm off tuesday. i wanna do something fun, but unfortunately i'm broke, again. so it looks like i'll be home playing guild wars or on the ps3 or 360. either way if you're bored my username for the consoles is InnoIase...
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you're welcome
Thanks for the add smile
well i finally moved into a new apartment, which is good. got away from a bad situation and now i think i'm at peace. or what my life allows for. gonna try and get back into the grove of writing stories (anime-esque) and try to finish writing a background story for one of my other projects. hopefully i'll find myself in better spirits and more...
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Good luck! Vodka is an excellent choice.
i agree hor
dumping some old poems up here let me know what ya think. thanks

For you by me
Did you notice the way I look at you
The way I smile at you
The way I laugh with you
The way I touch you

I notice the way you look at me
The way you smile at me
The way you laugh with me
And sometimes...
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heyy thanks for the add smile
these poems are really coool i love the "write a poem " one its clever biggrin xxx
So tomorrow will start Day One, of me trying to lose weight for Otakon season. need to push hard on this one.


What is Otakon season?
its this huge anime convention that lasts a couple of days. but me and my friends tend to make a huge deal bout it
I can't sleep and I don't want to take my Unisom pill. One of those and it's night night till the afternoon. Or later!frown
the tattoos i want to get not in any real order.

-a Celtic cross on my back with an anime saying from Big O, "Cast in the name of God, Ye not guilty"
-steampunk jets on the back of my calves
-the mark vi ironman arc light on my chest
-the boondock saint's prayer on my right ribcage
-truth and justice in latin on my...
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think i might have a chalazion in my eye. smh mad
so i have a headache so bad that it feels like my brain is in a pressure cooker. i need pills. eeek