It rubs the lotion on the skin and It puts the lotion in the basket.
Or else it gets the hose again.
It does this whenever its told.
You are what you eat but I can't remember eating a painting.
Well what a fucked up day, first my car is dead and I do not have the money to fix the problem right now. Second my company went from 2 to 1 in a night, what a thing to wake up to. My art rep decided he isn't interested in the long term, good to know, he has other goals, no problem. I am so...
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Got back in touch with an old friend from an old state, both of mind and location. We have joined forces to take things to the next level of business, and I will be moving back to the city of sin.
Looks like a party at Elton John's house.
If Elton John is into cutting out stencils and spray paint, I would agree.
I am BACK! The ice around my existence has melted and I feel the powers of creativity surging through me again restoring my confidence and energizing my will to thrive and live to maximum. I admit I have quite the reluctance in social circles to engage that girl I am thrilled by, and ignite conversation with her so that we may then see are compatibility....
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