So it looks like my time in San Diego is coming to a close. I came down here chasing a ghost of what I had a long time ago and now know it will never be back. I did everything I could so I can go home with no regrets.
My job is stressing me out to the point where I am getting an Ulcer...
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Wow it's been a while. just been doin my time selling copiers. Hopefully life will slow down soon and I can get out to SG events more often. and YAY, I put my deposit down for more ink!!! other than that, peace and live free
wow it's been a while! the numbers haven't been coming in at work so I work from 6:30a to about 8p. any of you want to buy a xerox copier? I guess I never took this job to make a ton o money, I just need to get better at sales. I do think that this is a great time for me to be single...
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Why do I feel like I just keep making the same mistake over and over again?

Taco Bell? I feel ya. It's cheap, it's there, so you think "eh, I'll just get a bean and cheese..." Later you're bloated and sick, swearing that you'll never do it again.
Same mistake? Over and over? Do you want me to hit you really hard in the head so it kind of untweaks your noodle? (That'd be sweet.)

Anyway, it was very good hanging with you Sunday night, and I wish you could have stayed longer, but I definitely get the work thing.

Are you going to be at Femi's on the 31st? And I'll definitely see you on the 7th, right?
wow, sometimes the ups and downs of life just make you tired... I have a job I enjoy and a great family. but, I miss a girl and I'm commuting 3 and a half hours a day for work. I guess in the long run we all have to be thankful for what we have and strive for the things we don't. but enough of...
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D&B thread coming very soon...

Definitely, being unemployed is superhighly overrated. The good times tend to be far scarcer when the shit is hitting the fan, financially.

Btw, I still seem to have the undeniable urge to fire an SMG in fullauto at a range sometime in the relatively near future. Is that possible to do legally, as a civilian?
alright chris, i heqrd you signed up fer the km class with me and the danger magnet...good luck!
So I start my new job on tomorrow. I must say I am excited but I can't say I'm not nervous. This is a great opportunity for me and will set me up for a good career so I can't fuck it up. So, I'm commuting from north orange county to San Diego until I can find a new place. But, I'm not complaining at...
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are you going to sign up for Krav Maga? you better get your registrations stuff in soon-ish, new sessions start the 11th and 12th. biggrin
So I'm sitting here waiting to hear whether I got this new job and the suspense is killing me. I really need this job and I just wish they would fuckin call me! oh well, either way I'm headed to Vegas tomorrow so I'll be happy or depressed, both of which I will be drinking for.

This sucks!
I just got back from a bike ride and I feel so good. I'm tired if being the person I am and ready to be the person I can see inside myself, and I know that sounds corny but I feel that way now. I am ready to feel good proud of myself when I'm naked!

I also found this awesome song on youtube called...
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So it has been two months since I stopped smoking pot and I cant wait to get this stupid drug test over with. Probably the most stressed out I have ever been and I cant just sit back and relax. when are they going to legalize it? and I know there are clean out systems and I've used them before, but in this economy I...
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No kidding, right? I was just looking at the mtns and got all sad. I want to go soon!