I've now lived at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage for one complete year. I haven't even been off the property over night once because I love it soo much here. People have been asking if I'm ready to get away yet? Honestly I'm not, I feel like I've been on a year vacation from stress. I absolutely love it here.

That doesn't mean that there hasn't been...
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I'm totally jealous. They look like an awesome bunch of people. If I could convince GIBrett, we'd so be living there. smile
Looking forward to watching your progress on container homes and other green buildings. I am toying with the idea of a multi-family farm vs an established eco-village but a lot of ideas align. I started a blog of sorts to keep track of all of the areas I need to research and skills I need to learn - http://fixer.tumblr.com/
We did a cool thing here at my ecovillage last night for Halloween. Since we don't get kids trick or treating us (we only have 5 kids and are miles away town) we threw a traveling party. Each stop on the route has a different theme or activity such as a haunted house, a day of the dead celebration, games and things like that. I...
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Hahaha, I bet you would wink
lol nice
Since I have A reader (high beautiful love ) I decided I should write some more.

Well we are in the last week of the last visitor session here at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage and I lived through my 1st busy season. I met a lot of cool people and some of them even became residents. However I am a little disappointed that more women didn't come...
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i know the loneliness sucks but trust me it only seems like evryone else has someone because the holidays are getting closer lol. good to see/read that you're doing okay!!!
I wouldn't say I was lonely. I mean I live closely 50+ people who I know a lot more than most people know their neighbors. My social needs are being met but several different people. It's mainly my sexual needs that aren't being met So I guess that means I'm more horny than lonely and I know plenty of married men in the same situation.lol
I guess an introduction blog may be a good idea so, here goes.

You can call me Coz, I am a self admitted Dirty Old Man. My last long term relationship was with someone younger than my daughter. The heart wants what it wants and it clearly doesn't want to deal with bitter women; which is mainly what I find with women my age. Now...
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i love your mentality about relationships & such! you live quite an interesting way of life & i look forward to reading more (& seeing more of it if you post pics) ! good luck with your business ventures as well & thanks for your comment smile