i have a metal nipple i have a metal nipple i have a metal nipple i have a metal nipple!!!!

and it burns like a son of a bitch!!!!!

damn, whoda thunk it? i love it though, it's so purty.

i exposed my punk rock spawn to "pass the ammo" today since she loves tim curry. tee-hee. i also exposed her to the crucifucks, but...
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i have strange habits. i like pain. i especially like to inflict pain upon myself when someone makes me angry. i guess it's to avoid inflicting pain upon them, but still - that can't exactly be healthy, right?

anyway, i pierced my nipple. well, not me exactly, i paid someone to do it professionally and in a sterile envioronment. although, i think i should've been...
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I'm shy, damn you!

But seriously, I'm sorry to hear of the stress and frustration. Glad the piercing went smoothly, here's to hoping it heals quickly and you're back in action (as it were) in no time...

desparately need to get laid, eh? well, welcome to sg!

anyways, sorry i haven't been around, yo. does not sound like you're in the best of places right now, as i'm assuming that erikill is a former boything or something. trust me, every day, you gotta keep driving your car through the mud and sooner or later, you dig yourself out and can see that person in your rear view mirror, getting farther and farther away from you all the time.

i haven't seen your boobies yet. but i'll be back with full commentary in just a few! wink
my daughter was in a play thing with her drama class last night. it was this collection of skits and monologues they'd been creating all semester. one that she was in was a mime with three or four other girls about gum chewing. she took the stage wearing the D.I. beanie i decided to give to her after she tried to steal it last time...
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what what? things I've been doing for you and to you??? come closer and say that! wink


i am gonna try! thanks for the well wishes and the good boost of confidence wink
what's the deal with men? are these BS games really necessary? why is it the universal law that to get what you want you have to say and act the opposite of that? why do i have to be a disinterested bitch to get someone's attention, but being a generous, attentive, affectionate, sweet person who expresses my real feelings just ends up with me being...
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you wanna talk aboot it????????????????kiss love kiss love tongue biggrin tongue kiss love kiss love tongue biggrin tongue kiss love kiss love tongue biggrin tongue kiss love kiss love tongue biggrin tongue kiss love kiss love tongue biggrin tongue kiss love kiss love tongue biggrin tongue ??????
it's interesting - in bakersfield i see midgets everywhere. and, i have a sort of midget fetish so that's a good thing as far as i'm concerned.

i had forgotten how many retarded people there are wandering the streets in santa rosa. seriously, badly, mentally retarded people who should really be in a home somewhere where they're safe...not only from danger they put themselves in...
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Oh, I forgot to ask... how was the interview yesterday????????????????????

I'm not saying teasing's a bad thing... wink

I wish you well everywhere and anywhere, though selfishly I'm hoping it might be a little closer. Well actually, selfishly and objectively, I hope you're able to make it work without going back to SR. Email me with info about the kind of stuff you're looking for work-wise, I can see if I know of anything here there or anywhere that may work for you.

Down... but not out. Even at my worst there's a spark of optimism in there somewhere.

No one in this god-forsaken pit of dust and illiteracy will give me a job. I stayed here to be obstinate because if Id gone back to Santa Rosa there would be so many people saying, I told you so, that I wouldve had to wipe out whole city populations.

On the other hand, staying in Bakersfield to prove a point is immature and self-destructive...
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biggrin ~>smile~!
Your 2003 was horrid too, eh? I'm sorry to hear it. I thought mine was crazy enough for other people. Aww - last night could have been fun.. We'd have had laughs, and some great conversation too I imagine.

I still want to get together sometime. Whether that means I head up there or you come down here, let me know what your schedule accomodates or what you'd be interested in. I think that regardless of whether the group is down with getting together for Young Ones at DCLXVI's place, hanging out there is the plan for Friday. If you could make it as far as Burbank, I could drive the rest of the way down to her place. Just an idea...

love and murder,
i'm home. reluctantly. i'm too deep in thought about resolutions to my latest in ironic twists of fate to write much now, but i'll make these few comments:

as deeply as i hate santa rosa, i did not want to leave there this visit.

why, why, why does the universe so enjoy slipping us slap-in-the-face teasers about what could have been after we make concrete...
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life sux.. thus is why hahaha... well it can be kewl.. life's just a big tease like that hahahaha i guess? iam not a genious so i don't know these things...

I try my best to live my life without regrets. And for the most part, I think I do a good job of that. But if ever I gave in, even just once, I think the regret I'd have and the thing I wish I could go back and change would be my #1 crush.

Look at it this way, though. At least you've had the opportunity to revisit that, and hopefully along with what you're feeling at this moment there are some positive things in there too. I'm a bit envious, but mostly I'm glad you had that chance. Take care, don't feel so blue...

love and murder,
ugh - just got back from sf like 30 minutes ago after a nightmarish ride home with rain, winds, traffic, and stuff. and now, i'm heading back out for another 330 miles of driving up to santa rosa. i'm fooking insane.

the girls were amazing, the bands not exciting (but i bought all the buttons they had to offer anyway, 'cause i'm a dork like...
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I think Trilo said it all.

The burlesque show was fun - I'll share a few pics with you when you get a chance.

Come back safely.
i'm up, showered, dressed, packed, ready to go, and it's not even 9am yet! i don't normally even roll out of bed until sometime well after noon, and it's reluctantly at that!

i awoke to a phone call from one of my very first loves from something like 17 years ago! i spoke to him for the first time in nearly 10 years last week...
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First off, don't break San Francisco. It factors into my plans for 2004 somehow lol...

Second, sounds like the beginnings of a great day and weekend.

Third, boo on the ex's who torment... I've got one of those that, 8 1/2 years later, still can't just move on. Sounds like you're dealing well though, kudos and cheers! Have a great trip!!!

love and murder,
Yay for the show and meeting you awesome people!! I hope you had as much fun as I did.
i'm heading off downtown now to go play with my kilted boytoy and my lesbian lover. tomorrow is her birthday and she wants me to meet her downtown for a drink and a replay of our (near) live sex act from new year's.

as exciting as that sounds, i am floating and giddy with excitement for nothing other than the san francisco roadtrip ebin and...
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i hate bakersfield. i want out. so am i doing? going to bc. yup. *sighs*
wow thank you for the compliments blush
i dropped all my classes last quarter, but when i say "drop" i actually mean i took F's in them since actually dropping would've been a withdrawal from the university and have resulted in my being forced to repay my financial aid as well as not qualifying for aid this quarter and possibly not even being able to attend since i'd have to reapply, etc....
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na can't make the tour tomorrow, i've got a meeting i have to attend tomorrow. frown

yea when i fail/drop a class it makes me deppressed/angry/and i get a gonna conquer the world attitude, too bad it usually only lasts a couple of weeks.

ah, it wasn't failing a class alone that did that to me; it was a combination of:

being driven mad by the man i gave my life up for, finding squirrely ways to fight cancer without insurance, attempting to save a dying relationship only to lose it anyway, long after losing every friend i'd ever had and isolating myself from my family, having 5 days to move with no money, no job, and not knowing anyone within 330 miles of me because my man decided he hadn't tormented me enough, accepting that my daughter wasn't coming down to live with me after all, failing classes in bonehead subjects when i was a 4.0 student who got recruited to cornell on a full scholarship without even applying, kicking self in head for enrolling in cal state bakersfield instead of accepting above-mentioned cornell offer, being alone and hungry on holidays...

i can go on, but i'm starting to sound like i'm looking for a pity party and i'm over it. it's time to realize that 1) i can't die, 2) i won't die quietly when i finally can, 3) my invincibility must mean something, and 4) i'm going to renew my faith in the following 2 life mottos:

a) i live to prove all y'all wrong
b) it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done (thank you, butthole surfers)

joy!!!! tongue