i fuckin hate drama.
especially stupid drama that should be over by now. why hang on people? do you have nothing better to do? mad get on with the show!
I second that.

I'd admit that I was much of a drama queen and still am sometimes, but it gets so old.
sleepy sleep.
it takes me longer to recover from all night fun followed by a long day of slaving. but it is all good cuz i got to swoon over the girl of my dreams. the one who doesn't even know my name.cuz i m a lame-o
i have girls on the brain.

damn i am such a lesbian.

you think i would be used to it by now
happy fuckin new year

no resoltuions this year. i never stick to em. i forget em after a month. so this year.... none. i cant fuck that up.
i need to be getting ready for another day of retail slavin. like my job. really do. just dont want to deal with a sale atmosphere today. it makes me bitter. and hateful, definently hateful. but you wont know cuz i will smile just the same, and then bitch about how stupid you were to my co-workers in the back
you know... I just had to add this... because frankly, it's geekin me out... apparently, my cousin dated one of the members of zero 7. My cousin is the embodiment of Malory from family ties. when talking to this guy who discovered an element, she said "oh yeah? how many more do they have to discover?" doh! she just turned thirty, folks.
gettin back to real life.
the holiday season is just well.... fake. all smiles and lights. family togetherness.
thank god that is all over with.
now get this damn tree out of my living room

just call my ms.grinch
hello ms. grinch smile
on my way back to LA tomorrow afternoon. NOt a moment too soon smile never thought i would be saying that bout la. wink
I am in Dallas for the next few days... at my sisters for the big x-mess. The parents are here and have been strangely silent bout the fact that i have a hole in my nose. Thier way of dealing with it. Their way of dealing with a lot actually. I am just waiting for it, the one remark that they will slide in somewhere...
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Nice choice on the fav. films...I'd have to agree with you 100 fucking % about Hedwig.
rain makes LA people stoooopid.

washes their brains right out of their skulls.
no shit, i was driving in the mess of idiots and rain today.
Fuckin A!

Thursday night, driving home from Perversion. Saw 5 car pile up and a car tipped over in a span of 5 minutes on the 101.

Gotta love the rain.
day off tomorrow so i am going out tonight. woo frickin hoo bitch! Gonna get drunk and dance to the ketchup song. And maybe get up the courage to talk to some girlies wink
i have my 'performance evaluation' tomorrow. fun fun fun. tell me how wonderful i am doing and then give me a 7 cent raise.
just preparing myself for the ineveitable robot
when they close the door, just start beatin yourself to a pulp and try to black mail your boss.

hey, it worked for jack.
hmmm... good idea. It got moved till Monday. So I have a few days to build up some good bruises smile