Well my bag finally came in the mail! Unfortunately it's much larger than I thought it would be and I won't be using it for a purse. Oh well it holds rollerskates pretty well. Now I just need a decent pair of those. <sigh>

I'm bored and I'm going through another semi-insomniac phase. No matter what time I get up in the morning I'm still...
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I cry when I play those games too... (at least the really good ones)
Advent children has really made me want to get a game system... I gave up my gaming habit about 3 years ago in an attempt to get out into the real world more...
but oh, *sigh* how I miss those days...
gosh... I'm assuming that FF x-2 is a game... but it's been so long that I don't even know whats what in the gaming scene...

i'm pretty bi-polar myself these days as well...

at least you got your package...
I love rollar skates!
Umm I'm a little worried. Is it normal for a package from Florida to take a week or more to ship? The shipping estimate said 2-3 days... the label was printed on the 19th. If it was only supposed to take 3 days, then it's 4 days late now. Anybody know if it's normal to wait this long? I'd sure appreciate it if you told...
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I've had packages take an ungodly long time to get to me before... label printing dates don't mean shit.

I take it you have no tracking number?

good luck with that, and have a nice weekend...
I know this may not seem like a big deal to some, but it's something I've considered near-blasphemy for many years... I'm growing out my bangs... EEK! It's very hard to do and they're getting past my eyebrows now so they stab my eyelids. It's just really annoying. But I want to give it a try. If I don't like them, I can cut them...
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am I crazy for thinking medical terminology sounds like a kinda cool class? I just love words.smile

Wow--I have the opposite thing, I guess, I have been kind of toying with the idea of HAVING bangs. I doubt I'll actually do it, but you totally have my respect for daring to venture into the great hairy unknown!

i want my bangs back,
but every time I cut them I regret it the next day...
... put those scissors down wink
Yay I made it through the party. Everyone was so disappointed cause Gabe's parents kept pouring more and more juice into our jungle juice. I mean, I drank 5 cups of it and ate a shitload of the fruit, and only got sick, not even buzzed. 2 shots wouldn't gotten me more fucked up than five glasses of our jungle juice. It sucked! Ugh we...
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Four minutes left.. I have to win this adorable purse on ebay! So far I'm winning. There's only been two bids so far-one before me, and then mine. And mine has been on top for over two hours. I sure hope that person isn't waiting for the last minute like I am. But I sure feel guilty when someone else is bidding on something and...
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aww, did you win it?!
Happy Easter everyone, or whatever holiday you might celebrate around this time. I had zero eggs today, hooray! They make me sick for some reason frown I don't understand. But I think they taste good. Oh well.

Sadly, Gabe-roll's car is not doing very well and he doesn't want to drive it out as far as my house. He tried to get a ride with his...
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I love your shoes in your user pic! kiss biggrin I want them!!!! biggrin
Hey doll, thanks for the lovely comment! *grins* There are quite a few places you can get it just google/yahoo the name Alexander Henry but anyway I got mine from buy fabrics online Its not too expensive either!!!
I've figured it out! I'm just too old-fashioned for suicidegirls! Everyone on here is so fast-paced. I still let my cats go outside and I'm insane. This is the THIRD time I've been bitched out in a SG group. This time because I asked if anyone else's cat has ever just disappeared. I was leading to talking about rumors I've heard in my area about...
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My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband
When they shot...
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Life sucks right now. I'm all kinds of stressed out. I can't stand my dad for some reason. I yelled at the top of my lungs at the fucking sewing machine today... I'm just over the edge and people keep pushing me. It really upsets me how many horrible people are on this website. I liked the site so much more when there were only...
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i can't even begin to discuss my love for star trek, william shater, etc. etc. it's what i grew up with. that and monty python. my dad's geekiness took over and crippled my brain as a child. blush

onto your actual post, i actually ended up liking this site more for the communities/groups. i love reading, and there are so many good tips and opnions in them on things i am interested in.

i tend to ignore any drama bullshit, as it's not my style. the cute girls are just an added plus.
It happened again. What I was trying to post as a compliment this time to size 10 women was turned around and seen as an insult. I slipped and said something rude about thin women without meaning to. I put a disclaimer at the end of my topic post because this had all happened before and I didn't really want it to happen again. To...
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not to get political but, you sound like a libertarian...your awesome! Thanks for the friendship!
You know what I just realized? I have to be rich someday. I've toyed with the notion my entire life, but there's no longer any doubt. I have to be rich. That's all there is to it. Here's what my proprty (at least one of them) will entail.

Starting with the basics, working our way up:

1. pool/hot tub
2. hot tub sized bath tub...
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I'm officially changing the subject now. Apparently leaving the group wasn't enough. I would like to be in that group but I won't be there when the owner and the other wise vet think the way they do about me.

Okay, so today I'm hopefully going to Oregon City to see my Booga. If not, then I probably won't see him until next week. That...
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Hope your kitty turns up. My cats are outdoor wanderers too and once in a while Bobby goes AWOL for a few days. It gets me worried but I like them to have some freedom, and he's always been okay.
I really like your shoes. super-cute!