Good news for a change on here!! One..I got my car back!! Two..Im FINALLY walking without crutches!! So things are finally looking up and life is getting back to normal. I had forgotten how hectic my life was until I got my car back. Ive already got the whole next week booked and only had my car for 3 days. Saturday is my friends Bday...
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Excellent news!
Ok so maybe 2 more weeks was a little unrealistic and me being hopeful. A month from that last post and Im on one crutch. Better than 2 but still. Ive tried walking a little without my crutch and only made about 4-5 steps and just cant do it. My knees just too weak still.

Im still carless....if I dont get one soon Im going...
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Finally!!! I'm getting closer to walking without crutches again. Knees healing up pretty good and I'm getting a bit of strength back in it. So I'm hoping a couple more weeks I wont need crutches anymore. Other than that Ive given up on getting my car back. Im just going to take my Income taxes and buy another one. Sucks but I dont really have...
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I am glad to hear. I just read your post on the boards. Best of luck to you!
dude i think im going to kill everyone frown frown frown frown frown frown frown cold broke up mad mad im so sad right now
Well almost 3 weeks later and about 2 weeks of physical therapy and im getting better. Im still having alot of problems getting my knee bent again but I can get it straight. I'm really hoping I can start walking again soon. Other than that not alot more going on other than ALOT of boredom. I actually miss work. I'd love to go back and...
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Im home. My knee fuckin hurts so bad. im tired of taking pain pills and sleeping all the time though. I just want this to hurry up and be over with. I dont know If I can wait the whole 3 months they say its going to take. Don't have much of a choice really though. Gotta suck it up, adapt, and move on. Oh...
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One more before surgery. Honestly for some reason Im scared shitless this time. When I had my surgery done on my shoulder back in July it didnt really bother me unil the day of. This one though...has me all kinds of nervous and scared. i guess its just the thought of something going wrong and not walking again, I dunno. Im really not looking forward...
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Well its official. I just got home from the Surgeons office. I have a torn ACL,cartilage and damaged almost everything else in my knee. Im going under the knife on the 13th and Ill be out of work for about 3 months doing rehab. SO for the next 3 mos Ill be broke and bored yay!!! Hopefully Ill find something to entertain me.
at least you have SG, that should help a bit.

i totally commend you on your helping out with your grandpa.
it's funny, i always think of someone going into a nursing home as a permanent thing, but i guess it doesn't have to be.
One last one before the New Year. Ive upgraded to a cane so I have better mobility now. Things are lookin better there. Cars still missing, actually I found out this week the report was never filed so the thiefs have had it for a week and no one looking for it. One more downer... I ordered a new bottle of absinthe for my party...
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Gotta love Xmas. My cars still missing. No sign of it at all yet. plus I find out I have a possible tear in my knee. SO more surgery for me this year. YAY!! Ok enough of the Bitchin. I have a question for anyone that reads this. Ive never had to use crutches until now. Ive had a New Yeas party planned for a...
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one major tip....your gimped up...let one of the chicks you invite over get your jager for you. ARRR!!! that should work out just fine... biggrin
Sunday nite...busted my knee went to the ER. Went back to my car only to find out it was stolen!! YAH!!! God I love life!!! Just shoot me...now....please???
I know I just posted anew update but I got my labret redone tonite. 3rd time..lol..hopefully Ill be able to keep it in this time. OH!! See how much my family tells me!! My Little brother came home on leave tonite!! I HAD NO CLUE!!! I expect him to show up just any minute.
Well this has been an interesting week. Ive been kinda seeing 2 different women...they know about each other. Then out of the blue one of my ex's pops up on myspace and wants to strt doin things together again. Wait it gets better...a few nites later im sitting here kinda drunk..ANOTHER ex calls me wanting a late nite hook up!! Its insane, my friends are...
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