thats one lucky penguin you've got there.. wink
Going to take a self portrait with my camera. Not with my phone.

I've been inspired by Maxi cos, well, she's totally awesome. So yeah, just gotta decide where to take the shot!

*goes to look around*
pinguins are so cute!
have you seen "happy feet"?
Thanks for your comment smile

I got a new do. Notice the highlights?

Apparently that makes me metro. According to the close minded bogan brother anyway. Fuck that, i think it looks good!

So i'm feeling fine, looking good, and i bought year zero. And some Sennheiser HD515's to listen to it. Not the best but they sound better than anything else I've ever heard.

I'm still poor. But my...
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there are no pretty eyes around me either...and it's been awhile since i've had any passionate kisses either.
you never appreciate these things enough when you have them.

i like your hair. i think it looks well hott.
so you're gonna do a suicide boys set?
that would be awesome! wink
The suck Is loneliness. It makes me feel vulnerable.

I asked a friend (of maybe a decade now) if she wanted to have lunch on Friday cos I haven't seen her in months. Her answer kinda upset me a little, she was already taking the day off to hang out with her sister (my ex).

She said there was nothing weird because of the "ex's...
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Dude. I know the feeling. :-/
so until I see you next (which will be real soon) have some hugs and love.
The eternal wait for replacement macbook continues. Curse you Apple. Or insurance company. Or distributor. Whoever it that is sitting on their hands.

Don't they understand the torture of not having a laptop?

Have started looking at tattoo designs. I have some idea of what I want, eventually, but I want to try and start small and concealable. I need to like, get buff or...
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Feeling the loneliness tonight. Maybe it's my time of month.

Hey wait a minute, I'm a guy.

Everything's fine.

Wishing I didn't have to work tomorrow. But only 3 days to go for me, I got Friday off for a Dr.'s appointment and (hopefully) a haircut. WIll be fun. Then going out Friday night methinks.

Although I wouldn't mind going out Thursday night too. And...
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It's ride the lightning.
I just wanted to stop by and thank you for being a member of the Concerts Group. The Summer Concert Season is almost upon us, so I'd love to have you throw a review into the group if you happen to catch any great (or not-so-great) shows this year. And if you know of anyone who might like the group... send 'em our way. The more the merrier!! Have a great summer! :h
Went dancing again last night, tried to blog but I think the email thing failed. The place was full of poser-types that stood around the edges striking poses and nodding their heads slightly. Aside from a couple of asshole related incidents, I had great fun. Good DJ, good VJ, good music. As usual great just to dance around like an idiot and forget everything but...
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Good that your job is working out well man :-)
Are you ready to become a Zoolander brother? (and when I say brother I don't mean it like an actual brother but more like in the way black people use it, which is more meaningful, I think)

Answer these:

1. Name at least four cameo appearances from the film.

2. What did Mugatu invent that made him famous?

3. Who is recipient of the "Slashie" award in featured at the VH1 Model Awards?