i am so sick. i've been in bed for 2 and a half days. now, not only do i still feel like crap but i think i gave myself ear infecttions from lying down so much. when i'm sick i always get lonely and wish i had a nice boyfriend who cared. maybe someone to check in on me every now and then, and see...
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I couldn't be with more with you on this one.

Yesterday I fractured a bone in my foot skateboarding. I cannot walk now, can't really go out, I have a cane, some crappy pain killers, and no girlfriend in my life to console me.

My roomate has been really cool though, taking me to the hospital. I don't think I can really work for the next 2 weeks. A few friends came over last night and played poker.

Still, I hate this.
good weekend but, too short. i got some cool shots of people working at a fair. i've been wanting to do it for awhile, so i'm excited. i finally finished my website for the most part. there is a problem with it that needs a little tweaking, but i have a feeling it is something really dumb. my web design teacher will be so proud....
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glad that the weekend was good! was it the 3 county fair that you were at?? if so, that is COOL!!! i miss the fair!

hey, i keep meaning to ask you about the whole 'coldfreak' name... is that a reference to the band cold? if so, i have something to send you that you will enjoy... smile
drop me your address thru my email under my profile and i will send you something cool from cold...

ive gotten to be pretty friendly with those guys-especially with scooter.. in fact, he gave me one of the ties that he had made for himself a year ago.. its black with a red spider logo on it. it is FUCKING SWEET!!!!!!!!
surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal
my school got cancelled today, so here i am at 10:30 in the morning with nothing to do. there is plenty of cleaning to be done, but for some reason i'm kind of bummed today. i think i'm going back to bed. wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink
lucky you, getting to go back to bed!!! i have been dying to sleep in since last week, but because of the concert (and with corrie being here) i have not had the chance yet. BUT i will get to sleep in on saturday!! smile smile smile
to sleep, perchance to dream...
tonight i thought i would like to do something exciting but instead i will be going to see that sky captain movie with some friends. if they only knew that i am the sky captain they could have saved some money paying those big actors. but thats another story. lets make a day to get together so i can cheer up your doldrums. sky captains can do that you see...
wow, what a great weekend. i got in a fight with a friend on account of her, being a total fucking cunt! she tried lying to me and i called her out on it. she threw a fit and said "that's it, i'm leaving." my response was, "see ya!!!" (she has pulled that crap with me before. i bought into it and told her not...
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so much excitement in your life! what you doing thursday night?
yowch! sorry that that happened.. liars suck!

sorry that i dropped off the face of the earth for a while. planning our concert is a bitch. but the show is over and i am back in the world, so good times! smile

hope you are well!!!
so, i'm starting to like my new job. i'm excited, on monday i get to take portraits at my old high school. it will be weird to be back there. it's been 9 years since i've graduated. wow, am i fucking getting old, or what... i really had some good laughs at work today. it's fun to laugh at high school kids and make fun...
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A friend of mine theorized how it would be to suddenly wake up and be 14 again, knowing everything that you know now, and redo-ing high school.
And then I think about all the shit in high school that seemed so important and dramatic and I'm not so sure I'd do that ever again. It was too...dumb.
age is only in the mind... until gravity really kicks in anyway. i want to hear about all of your photo jobs. i never really got to work for other photographers, i just suddenly had a business and everything was crazy. it would have been good for me to see how other people do it. anyway, next time you want to hang out you should email me directly or call, i only check SG every once in a while.

so, i started my new job on monday. on tuesday there was a call-out, so they stuck me on a camera. it was ok except high school kids are so rude! i was ready to beat a couple down... oh well, it's only for a couple months. i've actually been getting up on time in the morning. it's weird going to work in the dark.
thanks for asking about what happened that's really nice of you, so long story short i went to a party of a friend of mine and i had a good time but towards the end when everyone was tired i went home and another friend told me that she and this real asshole ''he thought it would be funny to let everyone at the party to hear his crying girlfriend over the phone yea a real nice guy'' slept in the same bed and there was giggling and moaning had he came out with hickeys all over him and she said they prob. fooled around so i just spent hours driving and thinking about stuff the poem says it all its hard to care for someone that does not care for you its just a mess hopefully i can get some sleep had nightmares all night and i cant eat like i said nice guys fin last/ oh and good luck with your job i hope it works out and thanks again for listening
Thanks Boo!
Glad that things are going well. Just remember,We were snot nosed smart mouthed punk bastiches in high school too!
wow, i'm so excited. i got a job with an awesome wedding photographer!!!! i also got a job at a studio doing school portraits. it doesn't sound too fun but at least i'll be photographing. i start real early monday morning. kind of scary for a night person! yesterday was my last day taking care of my lady. it's kind of sad. some how i...
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hey there

we should get together again, it was fun. I can show you photos if you like. that would have to be on my computer since they don't exist except as bits and bytes. strange to think that, my life's work is a ghost in a machine. it makes me happy in a weird way.

you DID talk to me! you rule!!!!
it's amazing that when your busy and can't concentrate on how crapy you feel, you feel better... i really feel good. i start a new photography job on monday. and on thursday i have an interview with a wedding photographer. wish me luck!!! i don't have time to feel bad anymore. i'm so over it!!!!

the wedding is at noon about 1 hour and 15 minutes from here, so I would like to leave around 10am. It goes until 6pm. So we would be back around 7:30. Let me know if you can do it.
tired.... wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink
i do like that you have a profile pic up now, I dont think ive said that before...

i hope that all is well with you. i kinda dropped off the earth for a while, but im back now. sending hugs your way!!!!! smile smile
hey there

so you wanna go to a wedding with me sept 11th? It will be fun as weddings always are... otherwise we should hang out again some other where.