So I'm out on my drive-way washing my car last Saturday when my neighbor walks by, he is an old Chinese guy in his 90's. I see him often making his way to the corner and back, a distance of about 40 yards that takes him about 20 minutes. You do the math.

Anyway, I have to bite my lip to not say hello or...
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Paris Hilton released from jail. Have you heard this today?

Apparently Paris wasn't completely delighted with the grits and greens served by the management of her county Sans-Hilton resort. After five days of llttle or no nourishing intake the powers-that-be have allowed Ms. Hilton to retire to her estate for her remaining 40 day visit.

Paris will be fitted with a custom anklet, they are...
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This is an interesting place to keep a blog? Not that you Wankers and Marys don't want to read something that I might say, perhaps you do?

I think I signed-up for this site not only to view the partially clad and unclad female bodies, although that is certainly an attraction, but I thought SG to be the first place I had seen tattoos, and...
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Lean closer to the camera, don't pose. Relax. Think of something you can't share, then say it anyway.
hi smile