Today was cold, windy, toast in the morning, cornbeef sandwich for lunch, injured shin, angry nephew, long drive, coffee, Roses choccies, Facebook and now bed nite nite x
Really fancy a Hawaiian pizza tonight ....yummysmile
Rant Rant fucking Rant!madmad

I was lucky enough to fly to California recently for 2 weeks of work, part of my fortnight away was to come back with a hat full of Moto Candy images for my website and magazine...not a problem booked 3 models before I left and all seemed well - NOT!

After arranging bikes, the location and help the day came for...
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First one in a while...
I've been a busy little bee traveling to Italy and California doing my stuff, glad to be home though and English tea.

More later...

Its here 2010!

Is it another year of bullshit by our politicians or will they start to listen - lets hope they start to listen.

What am I looking forward to?
Getting fit again
Taking more pictures
More travel
A romantic encounter
New apartment
And anything else which is positive

Laters and Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
They say Christmas is the time to chill out and relax well I've chilled out and relaxed and now I'm bored as fuck....

Roll on New Years Eve for a bit of excitement

Over and out

Times are a changing for sure, I've made the decision to change my site from Flash to a wordpress based format. I wasn't totally happy with the flash one and after reading a piece online about how photographers lose clients and possible clients due to the length of time flash sites take to load that sort of swung it for me.

New site and I'm...
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You know, I usually really dislike flash sites for exactly that reason, so I think it's a sensible decision. I like the new site, it's simple to navigate.
i like your new sitee

Good work!! biggrin
Christmas is just around the corner and I still haven't succeeded in finishing my shopping for presents, I frigging hate shopping let alone at this time of year.

Maybe I should take a leaf out of these guys...maybe thats why I'm an ex-husband!

Just back from a big trip to Prague covering the Gladiator Games shooting for the magazine and shooting the official DVD which should be available later in 2010.

I've added a new portrait shot of MTV Nitro Circus star <a href="http://chussy.foliosnap.com/#goto=folio&viewimage=1">Travis Pastrana on my folio page</a>.
Checkout the tandem backflip by the Mayor of Prague - frigging amazing.

awesome images! really enjoyed looking thru your folio site.
Shoot no BLOG for a while yikes sorry chaps!
Anyway I'm back and raring to go, it's been a busy old few weeks, what with the end of year event in Italy - that was amazing that was.
The fun doesn't stop there I'm off to gay Paris on Friday then Prague later in the month for the Gladiator Games with MTV, Pastrana and co,...
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Brilliant, we must have tash pictures! smile
Facial hair FTW, there had best be some pics. Given that I already have a full beard I don't want to shave I've now got a moHAWK for movember.