How does one re-live the most exciting moment of ones life?? I can only think of a moments to feel again. like when my first tattoo was completed. Or when I went to LaRochelle , France surfing for 17 days.

Will I feel the same rush when my next tattoo piece is done? Or will I continue to seek self satisfaction..

The devil walks beside...
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here is my update, got the outline finished and the background done on the upper half....2 mor sessions to go!!

@mascha Thank you Beautiful! I appreciate it!!! 
Is awesome!!! Love it ❤

Feeling full on about the work I'm getting done tomorrow . I know that there are 4 more sessions ... but I hope he gets a long way!!! the more shade and color the better!!!

I want to show it off dammit in its full glory!! Then I can get to work on my @siobhand pinup tattoo on my other thigh!!! - another glass of...
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YAY I can't wait!

I tried to dissuade the demons from your mind...., the ghosts who complicate and keep you confined. I'm holding your love letter and this wilted Valentine , don't want to let you down.


Even though my mental age is 25, I know I am at least 15-20 yrs older than most SGs. I show my affection not to hop in the sac, but to feel admiration that I'm still somewhat attractive , and not a total socially inept dick when it comes to complimenting women. end of thought


Make sure you give all your significant others a squeeze !!!- Much love

I don't have a significant other, so I'll hug my cat instead.

Today as I Await @siobhand release of Blinding Beautiful Art, I wonder. What is the percentage of Suicide Girls are AQuarius, or those who are compatible with Aquarius, Which girls ami I most likely to be great plutonic friends with. I am NOT looking for a hookup, just long term friends to share fun things with - crazy? probably but only live once

@blacktapioca There are Lots of nice girls, and I hope to be friends with them all , buy coffee or a beer , lose at darts or be guided or be a guide when travels occur , Friends and sharing favorite hangouts are what memories are about!!!
i couldnt agree more!!!

As these days get chillier I am warmed and humbled by the crackle of the fireplace . There are some great SG blogs and news articles. It is getting rainy and windy out which means the Winter Surf session is close!! Hot dog can't wait for the icy salt water and the glide of the waves. My next tattoo session is in two weeks so
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Ever have one of those songs that are so vivid with images and memories, that you can't let turn off? @liddell is reminding me of a song called "Dance with me to the End of Love" by Leonard Cohen . The song is elegant like she is and therefore I can't remove them from my mind tonight. So dance me Liddell to the end of...
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So excited to finally get some color on my outline . most of all looking forward to showing it off!!!