I cribbed this from one of my fave papers...

We've been friends forever, and I love you, but this platonic situation has become unbearable. I am left with no choice but to declare war on your underpants. The landing area beneath your underpants will be kept as intact as possible, but some disruption is inevitable.

There will be a substantial presence (but probably for only...
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hey, there you are! smile

i can't tell you how stoked i was to have a bowl of ivar's clam chowder today. i was so excited i forgot to order something to drink and had to go back through the line again. mmmm..ivars...*drools all over*

the spec ops thing above made me laugh out loud.
baritones are just awkward in general. especially the way you have to hold them to play them.
About to wrap this bio, "an insider's story of the Beatles" written by one Peter Brown. The Peter Brown from 'The Ballad of John and Yoko', him. Can't say I gained a lot of insight on the Fab Four here; most of the stuff has been around in one form or the other for years. Gee, Ringo's one of the luckiest dorks in the world?...
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I love the Beatles!! It's my all time fav band. They just released a five disc dvd. Looks worthwhile, I think you'r right about Ringo dancin on the graves of the others! He is totally charmed, kharma treats him well because he was born with that huge honker, at least thats what I think! ha ha
my mostest fave beatle was YOKO!
Hope I Die Before I Get Old...

...though some would argue I'm already there, O Reader. For to-day is my day of birth... 35 years ago, baby me came out screaming for vengeance in an Idaho hospital. Welcome to Generation X, little spud boy...have fun finding that real tomato.

So, in riffing a Who lyric for the subject line of to-day's missive, it occurred to...
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motherfucker. you were at Wrestlemania? *I* was at Wrestlemania. Why didn't we know we were both going to be at Wrestlemania?
Yeah there's nothing sadder than watching the " Flower" Generation sell out, and as much as I love the MOD generation, I'm sorry to say that i'm not expecting too much of a rock of the ol boat. The money people from generations ago still have the money, and everyone else is just scraping by. Well I hope your birthday gets a little brighter and tighter, have a good one!
Recently seen outside a gas station - a sign advertising "Happy Hour".

At a gas station.

Now, mind you, it wasn't cheap drinks with a fill-up, but cheaper gas during Happy Hour. Yeah. All the prices were over 2 bucks a gallon, but would drop below that mark during Happy Hour. Genius.

The cruel little acolyte of Darwin in me wished it was cheap drinks,...
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lol, Happy hour! Thats priceless! Could make a good American Express spoof out of that one!
You pick a good subject for a bio! Lennon was a bastard sure, but he did what he could to correct his indescretions throughout his life! He had his tantrums, vents and moments of blatent ignorence! but the cool thing is that he's human like the rest of us, and to us, as fans and followers of him and his music, that means that he's that much closer, we can almost touch him as it were!
The part that really affects me the most about him is the incident with his (best)friend Stuwart Sutcliff. After Sutcliffs death, Lennon blamed himself for the cause, and I don't think he ever really forgave himself!
I'd be interested in reading your story!
So, in between work and sleep and the occasional bout of melancholy over things global, I've been reading, Reader. Ooh, it's sharing time! What have I been reading?

First, the serious stuff. I've been reading 'The Poisonwood Bible'. Great book. Some folks might call it heavy on the manbashing. It's written from the point of view of women only, and the 'antagonist' of the tale...
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Good for you - Smart!
PB&B sammiches are my favorite, followed closely by Rapsammiches.
A Superpower Of Villains...

...that's what we are.

A veritable Legion Of Doom, hallowed Reader. Just like on Superfriends!

This reminds me of an ad on Cartoon Network. Many things remind me of cartoons, actually, but I digress.

Basically, Lex Luthor tries to get the Legion of Doom to pay attention to his latest scheme, and all they do is gripe and demand presents, perks,...
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It's easy to villainize, it's harder to evaluate the greys and decide which one is darker.

America is an incredibly frustrated, conflicted, confused place right now. Has been since 9/11.

Though Dick Cheney as Solomon Grundy is still funny. Hell, Solomon Grundy on his own is funny.
Smoke 'em if ya got 'em...

Just read an article about the Florida legislature working to pass a stiff ban on smoking...anywhere. Indoors, outdoors, listening to the Doors, whatever. Including in bars, just like California. The ogre of second-hand smoke and it's effects on others has raised its pointed head once more.

Now, while I can sympathise with people who don't want to huff second-hand...
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the last time i was in florida (where im orignally from) they were just trying to start to ban cigarette smoking in resturants i dont think it was affective cause all my friends still smoked in resturants.
Florida. What a collection of assholes.

Sounds like someone's about to cry it, then do a little dogs-of-war action.

I wish I could come up with something deep and profound here, but all I have are questions...

When is it our turn?

Sooner or later, it's gonna happen. Someone's gonna get sick of us and figure they've got the muscle to come on over and kick our teeth down our...
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Aw, c'mon. It's not that bad. It'll just be like living in Israel.
It sounds dumb, but Clinton wrote a big article for the New Yorker that was straight along those lines. I think Clinton was a better leader than a lot of people give him credit for. He wasn't destroying the environment and invading everyone he could.

I'll see if I can dig it up.
You know, the ass-spawn who made the House cafeterias change the name of an innocent potato product... those guys were the same little shitheels on the playground who hung on the coattails of the teacher and tattled on kids like us for playing Doctor, my good Reader. You know it. The big kids are sniffing model glue in the oval office and flipping coins to...
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I think freedom fries pretty well sum up how fucking petty the government is.

I think I'll make some freedom toast this morning.
Don't even get me started on this big box of freedom tickler's I just bought.

"Osama Bin Copper" = funny.

Well, well, well...things are turning up a little, O most welcome Reader. What an interesting view I have up here on this wave. Oh, sure, it's gonna come down and smack the beach hard in time, I know, don't cover your eyes, it's only water... but in the meantime, let's take a deep cleansing breath, think about Happy Tree Friends, and enjoy that bodacious view....
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I've got nothing to add here, really. I just wanted to say that I always enjoy reading your journal. It's like a delicious after-dinner mint with lots of crazy visual analogies.
Can I get an amen, brother Taswell? Thank ya, praise Jesus!

Spread the gospel, man... tell yer pals. Little ol' showoff extrovert me loves visitors, especially on tapioca pudding day.
So I make it through this fun lil' two month trial-by-fire. During that time, I watched work soak up more and more of my energy, invade my headspace, permeate me... and now it's passed. All the energy is coming back. I have this elevated level of operation in effect... and precious little in the way of outlets. It's like pulling the drainstop out of the...
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I so know what you mean about spring. Everyday it rains I feel ripped off. It's suppossed to be nice. NICE GAWDAMMIT!

When you hit Seattle, let me know. We'll do stuff.
hey cheshire! smile

your last paragraph is right on brotha! i'm dead tired of negative shit too. here's to kicking it square in the ass!

i'm stoked about spring too. i think i need to feel that renewal and rebirth right now-just seems fitting.
It's March, February's gone g'bye, spring is in the wings having a smoke before she steps on stage, and the heart beats just that much faster.

Feb's end brought the end of probation at work for your humble scribe, Reader, and I'm proud to announce I passed the crucible with flying colors. Cheer if you care to, I know I'm grinnin'. All the energy I've...
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i dont think we've met but i'm on your friends list so i thought i would say err something
Tas: Well, I did have a stick in my hand at that corner.

Sadie: Nice to meet you. Thanks for postin'. Post whenever you like, good knowing people read this stuff!