OMG there is a Doubledown Saloon in NYC now!!!! How fucking awesome is that?!?!?!?!?
Where are you a chef at?? I am at Charlie Palmer Steak...
Rock the Bells in San Bernardino on August 11. Rage & Wu-Tang together again!!! Hell Yeah!!!
Springtime in Las Vegas.... it doesn't get much better than this smile
NBA All-Star weekend in Las Vegas as seen through the eyes of a chef of an Italian restaurant on The Strip:
"OK sir, here you go. Fettuccine Alfredo smile "
"Yo! I want chicken on top of that!"
"OK sir, here you go, Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken smile "
"Yo man! I want shrimp too!"
"OK sir, here you go, Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken & shrimp smile"...
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I am feeling very somber right now, and am not quite sure why. frown
It's because I never made the cheesecakes! My oven is seriously messed up and won't keep a constant temp. I can't wait to buyu a house so I can get a convection oven with a gas stove. I hope you cheer up soon!
Internet shopping is the best! I don't dare go near the malls during this time of year, except to go to work. And the crazy shoppers at the Fashion Show love Italian food. We are slammed all day & night.
Turkey Day is approaching fast. I hate to be like the mainstream, but I confess that I will be cooking the whole turkey, sweet potato, stuffing etc. type dinner. It's just too good to pass up. Besides, turkey salad sandwiches for lunch make me very happy. I hope everybody has a nice holiday, however you decide to celebrate or not. biggrin
I get to make desserts for all my Vegas peeps not making it home for the holiday. I'm planning on overdoing it by about 3 pies - it's more fun that way. I'd be making cheesecake, but I don't have the recipe yet...wink
Hope everything turns out well for you!!
Back to work frown I had a very relaxing vacation though, I put on 10# in 9 days! Oh well, you know what they say, never trust a skinny chef. I had some good eats at RA Sushi, the Harley Davidson Cafe, Mon Ami Gabi, Z' Tejas, The Maple Tree, The Cracked Egg, Pin Kaow and Amigo Tacos. tongue
thanx so much!! but im lactose intolerant soi cant drown my sorrows in ice cream!
I love being on vacation smile I'm going to try to have lunch at a few choice spots around town this week.
You'll have to post a review of your choice spots. I'm tired of going to the same old places all the time. Hope you have a great vacation!
I get to take my 2 kiddies out on Halloween. They are the friggin' best little dudes ever!
I'm going to Phoenix next month to see the Silversun Pickups! I can't wait. Their new album ROCKS!!!
Even if the ice cream works - I'm interested in the recipe! I found a fabulous one for caramel apple cupcakes, but I'll have to see how they turn out in real life smile