Looking through the hundreds of photos I took while traveling and living in Europe along with talking with friends from Europe, fills me with a homesick feeling. It's weird, after only living there for a year, I feel a stronger bond to the people and cultures of Europe than any of places I've been in the US. I'm not sure if this normal amongst individuals...
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Just found out that Spielberg is making a biopic on Abraham Lincoln based off the novel by Doris Kearns Goodwin "Team of Rivals" with Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln and also starring Tommy Lee Jones. I am unreasonablly excited for this movie to come out in 2012. That along with The Hobbit directed by Peter Jackson, Avengers directed by Joss Whedon and Prometheus directed by...
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Successfully finished my transfer application to Eugene Lang College, that is 12 applications to 17 schools down. Talk about one long and arduous process. Now just get to wait and see who loves me enough to attend their halls of learning! Apprehensive about the results and potential scholarships. Going to spend the next week traveling around Colorado visitng friends in the off chance I have...
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Traveling east to visit family has led to some extreme boredom. It was lovely to see them, especially after two years, but the excitement has dissipated. So we went shopping with Boxing Day specials and the rest of the after holiday specials but my younger brother and I are ready to be back to our normal lives. So going to Columbia, Missouri we went to...
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So I'm not going to write anything profound or clever for this first blog, just going to share my sentiment on a band I recently fell for. It's like Felix Felicis in audio form! Think of winning the lottery, on your birthday after simultaneously winning the World Series, World Cup, Superbowl and 57 Gold Medals at the Olympics while discovering the cure for cancer on...
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