I find it funny, but has anyone else noticed that dying in a video game is becoming taboo?

Seriously, I'm 24 years old, I started with a Gameboy and a SNES (once it shipped with Zelda in the box), so I've been doing this a pretty long time, and I remember what games in my day were like. And they were tame compared to the...
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shoot shoot kill walk walk shoot shoot kill boss...walk walk repeat...

sometimes there is a story..the formula still works smile smile smile we've been playing it since the early days..and its still around and kicking

you know what ken and ryu are definetely going on the list...seriously we even just ask random clients to fill out the question of the day..everyone is so serious when they walk into an office..... kiss kiss kiss
i feel good. The schoolyear is going to be hard, but I feel good.

I haven't been happy in a long time.
Yay for feeling happiness! I am feeling good about this school year too, although nervous as well. It's my last year of grad school. Time goes by so fast. eeek Good luck to you, this school year. kiss

Eirian surreal
it's good to feel happy. smile

I have a very strong classicly trained voice, so when performing I just stick to choral peices. I don't do much solo work. The jazz ensemble will be my first venture into that realm, and I'm fucking stoked. biggrin
okay, so by now you probably know what consumed my weekend. It should have consumed yours too, and if you haven't started reading it yet, then wake the hell up and get going, because it really good and caps the entire series nicely. biggrin
aw im feeling much better, mary jane came and took care of me smile xoxo
Yeah that's what I said too, 89 is a good age. It was just the coincidence that was interesting to me.
So, I had free tickets to Ratatouile, and got detoured into Evan Almighty on the way out *little halo* so I'll give a rundown.

Ratatouile: Pixar never fails to make a good movie and even though this might be my least favorite one, it's still very enjoyable. The story is good, though some people will inevitably decry it, cuz its a very stereotypical children's movie...
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your words were both beautiful and extremely touching!!!! thank you so much for saying things needed to be said....
its just so hard, cause he was my best friend way before we ever dated. so im kinda losing everything right now, we are working things out i think...
its just, hard frown
but i appreciate the love, i hope you have a great week, xxx
Its ok someones jus stuck so far up their own arse they feel obliged to rain their opinions where they are not even asked for
okays, needs be for more update, or cowbell, one of the two

I bought Monsters Inc. last night, it was on sale and included a free ticket to Ratatouile. Funny story is, I got it home and finally watched it after I got off work and right toward the end it just stopped working, "unable to read disc". I couldn't find anything physically wrong with...
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haha no worries I know you did, and I appriciate that so much doll. love biggrin

my girlfriend has called a "hiatus". Does that make me single? hell if i know.

I just really need a hug.
A hiatus is a small break or pause i believe think a more exclusive version of the ross and rachel on friends fiasco without the possiblity of cheating cos your still together. I think. Aww im sure itll sort itself out.
Once again, I have gone entirely too long without posting.

I plan this summer to workout more, and try to get in even better shape. I'm also moving int a smaller, but infintiely better apartment across the street, I'll even get a pool.

Anyone waningt to come visit me and take a swim is welcome to.
i'm tired....not much to say.

Just wanted to prove I wasn't dead. tongue
Okay, not like many people read this...least of all anyone living anywhere remotely near my current global position, but I have a request to make on the bizarre chance it works.

My next assignment in digital Photography is a portrait. I need to have a base of 60 pictures to turn in, so if anyone wants to be a guinea pig, I'd love you forever...I...
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I would be guinea pig.......but I'm faaaaar too far away!!!!


My favourite thing in the whole world??

Difficult question isn't it.....I think the ocean....the sound of waves as the ocean breeze ruffles my hair.


Hope you are well!

Got a raise at work, that rocks. Been playing too much WoW, which can also rock.

Not much else going on, but I'm doing good in my classes.

umm....blah bok yeah, i can't think of anything else to say.
They should invent away to hug people from afar. The fact they havent so far is just absuurd