I am back now. My trip to Washington was fun. There was snow. It was way too short and I want to go back (forever). The high here tomorrow is 78F. How depressing.
And so, I leave tomorrow (monday). I worried about not having warm enough clothes. Everytime it gets cold here I stay inside but I know I won't be doing that when I'm there.

I'm excited. I know I won't be able to sleep tonight (meaning, Sunday night, not Saturday night--it's Sunday now, but I haven't gone to bed so it still seems like Saturday).

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where are you going and have fun
So sleepy. I'm not entirely certain why I have not gone to bed yet. Actually, I did go to bed, before midnight, but I couldn't sleep.

Maybe I will do that now.


This is so exciting. I can't believe it's so close. It's really weird, this wanting Christmas to hurry up and get itself over so I can go see my friend. Of course, I also want it to get itself over because work is insane.

We are out of just about everything right now. It's great. (I work at Auntie Anne's, the pretzel place.)...
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yay for happy.
i'm adjusting.
10 Days until I leave for Washington.

I finally took care of the rental car thing. It really sucks being under 25. Stupid fees.

Bad things happened last night, but I'm over it. I just really hate it when people pretend to be my friends and then compete with each other to see who can upset me the most. It was stupid--it was stupid for...
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It feels so much later than it actually is.

Today I went to a function at my sister's church because she was singing and wanted us to go.

It was horrible. The music wasn't very good and the skits offended me and the preaching both annoyed and offended me. Yeah... She didn't understand why I didn't like it.

Why do Christians think they are being...
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I will have 3 As, 1 B and 1 F.

Go me. whatever

I changed my profile picture. It is now actually me. That was taken last night, before I left for the work Christmas party. I actually wore make-up! (I only wear make-up when I am incredibly bored and have awhile before I need to get somewhere).

I have nothing to do tomorrow but catch...
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so whatcha doing in Washington? smile
sounds like a good trip. smile
Thursday my English professor called me when I was at work to ask about my paper as he had not received one from me. He said that if I could get it to him 5pm on Sunday he would give me credit for it with a severe late penalty. Friday I stayed in the library doing research until it closed at 4:30 and then I...
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I saw one of your old posts on the feminist board (about shaving) and really liked what you had to say. I already posted sooooo much on the feminist board today, so I didn't want to bother the whole group with more of my yacking.

But rock on! You seem pretty cool....
i've been in the same sort of school bind.
i ended up going to school part time and i'm absolutely thrilled about it.
i'm actually able to put time and thought into my projects now, instead of just scraping by.
I'm feeling a bit better now. It's nice to have most of my finals over with. I've only one left, history, and it's not really a big deal. I got A's on all the other test. I need to read a little bit before I take the test but not very much.

My trip is in less than three weeks. It's exciting! I'm a bit...
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my cat used to bite my chin if had fallen asleep and stopped petting him. brat. biggrin
my sinister little grey cat has taken to putting her whiskers up to the fret whenever I try & practice guitar, occasionally trying to strike a note with either her fang or claw, getting hopelessly snagged in the process...it's cute, but I have a helluva time getting thru a song with her going all Jimi Henrix on me (I just hope she doesn't get her paws on some lighter fluid...)
There is a picture of my kitty now.

I was up until 6:15am writing a paper. I still haven't done my English paper. I don't know if he'll take it late and I don't know if I'll be able to get it done.

School will be over in one week. Yay!

I Christmas shopped today. Barnes and Noble is a bad place to Christmas shop...
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Adorable kitten pic. They're so cute when they sit like that.