It's almost time to switch to a winter picture for my profile. They are calling for flurries soon. Yaah! I watched some Warren Miller footage over the past few days to start getting me into the winter sports mindset. I watched a lot of mindless TV also. I haven't been really motivated. Did work at a client site Thursday. Worked in my office most of...
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Well.....It's over. My father passed away Friday morning. The days have flown by since. Making arrangements, family, wake, service. You should have seen the turnout. My dad was a talker and knew everybody. We had to have a conversation just days before he died. I had to tell him he probably had less than a week and verify his wishes and living will. That was...
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I am afraid I have not been through this before, but I would say to try to surround yourself with people who love, for which I am sure there are a lot.

I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure he was grateful to have a son who was by his side throughout all the difficult times.

If you are not ready to go back to work, take some time off for yourself. Don't push yourself. But I would say focus more on the gym and less on getting wasted.

I've been at the hospital every minute I'm not working or sleeping. Starting today I've even cleared my schedule of any work until further notice. I never imagined watching someone you love die. For his sake I hope it hurries up. He is incredible pain. Straight morphine only lasts about four hours. At night for some reason he fights it to stay awake. This is...
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The camping trip was awesome! We had around 30 or so attendees. Got up there around 3:00 Friday afternoon, set up and started rockin. Man the food was incredible. It's just absurd seeing like 2 dozen lobsters on a table in the middle of the woods. We had steak, smoked beer stuffed chicken every kind of salad imaginable. We set up a 6 foot mesquite...
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Sup? My usual upbeat self has been temorarily beaten into submission. My father is not doing well at all. It's totally miserable outside. The beat up fucking Jets got an ass kicking last night. I was totally hung over at work yesterday from the Black Label Society show Sunday night. Zack puts on a totally awesome show. Had the whole crowd chanting Dimebag when he...
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I am so sorry. I know this must be so hard and scary. Will your cellphone work in the woods?
Ya luckily it's close enough to get calls. Thankfully it didn't ring. smile
Well....My Monday night football session ending up being a work through the night until like 3:00 the next afternoon session. Oh well I charge by the hour. I even won on the game so now I'm ready to get out and blow some cash. Let's see. I'm going to Black Label Society Sunday at the Starland. Interested? Don't forget the big Halloween camping trip next...
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Oh Monday how I hate you! Didn't make it to the gym. Fought with an email system most of the day and still haven't won. Woke up with a bit of a hangover but not too bad. My house is totally trashed and stinks like booze and cigarettes even though I left all the windows open all day. Yuck. It's a good thing the cleaning...
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I didn't make it to the gym either...we are bad!
Well it's Sunday morning and I can't sleep but at least the sun is up. It's my own fault for nodding out by 11:00 on a Saturday night like an old lady. I did have a great Friday night. I went to see Les Claypool. Actually I went to see a girl who plays in his touring band, Gabby Lala. I met her when I...
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Well I don't know if anyone actually reads this but Whats up? Been hearing about this site for awhile. Finally checked it out. Looks like A LOT of like minded people. Just finished my profile. How do you tell people what you're all about with that? I'm Rich, 32, a metalhead but can be found in NYC/NJ clubs on occasion, run a small technology consulting...
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Welcome aboard. And glad to hear you made it to and enjoyed the playa. To me, it's an affirmation of what people are capable of if they ignore all the rules and status quo of the default world they're born into...

Hey, you should check into the Freek Factory. They're an underground group that organizes parties and events, stuff along the lines of Burning Man. If you're not on tribe.net then check it out, and once you sign up (free site) search for FREEK FACTORY to find that tribe.

Well it's Sunday morning and I can't sleep but at least the sun is up. It's my own fault for nodding out by 11:00 on a Saturday night like an old lady. I did have a great Friday night. I went to see Les Claypool. Actually I went to see a girl who plays in his touring band, Gabby Lala. I met her when I was in California in like March. We hit Tahoe when there was like 20 feet of snow everywhere. Anyway, I heard the band was going to be in town and called up Melicious to tell Gabby I wanted to run into her there and BAM your on the list. Bring people. She was awesome. Ripped solos on a Sitar all night. Toward the end played what I assume was some kind of laser harp or something. She was just waving her hands and making crazy music. Usually not my kind of show but sooo much fun. She had like 50 people chanting her name. I had no idea she had such a following.

Yesterday it finally stopped raining here and was so nice out I felt obligated to do something outside. Ended up just winterizing my Seadoo then catching a buzz watching that great USC v. Notre Dame game with some friends. My 110 year old neighbor took out one of their cars as he pulled out of his driveway. I had to laugh as I cleaned up the glass. It wasn't my car after all.

Hey Trilo....I'll check that out. I'm definitely looking to meet new people and try new things. My status quo is a moving target : }

O.K. I better go eat and get ready. It's Sunday and my house will once again get trashed because I subscribe to the NFL Sunday Ticket (tm). How I hate Monday mornings during football season.