I dragged Steven to D.C. in the pouring rain because I wanted to see the Native American Museum again. It was interesting, though I don't recommend the herring if you eat in the cafeteria. I swear I got a fish eyeball stuck in my teeth. *shudder*

We bought bikes, and on Monday we're planning to find a trail to go riding. I like my bike,...
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When we were younger (god I sound lika old man) I don't think the seats were as hard. I think they are getting smaller and harder to be "ergonomic" and "sporty" and other such useless synonims for the words "uncomforatable as hell"
Fish eyeballs in teeth would not be cool. frown

And strap a pillow to the seat or your butt. Maybe it'll help. wink
I still don't really know how to ride a bike. I sort of learned when I was 18. I grew up on a farm, and we had horses to ride instead. smile
Ohio is a mixed bag. Tiff, Andrew and I went to Toledo for a wedding - it was like inner city Baltimore with rednecks and tractors. We detoured up to Huron, OH, and played in Lake Erie the next day - that was awesome. Rural Ohio is beautiful and has lots of nifty roadside attractions. Toledo, however, is the shittiest place I've ever seen.

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You know, now that you mention it, we could probably use more rednecks in baltimore... I gues we have enough in Dundalk (spelled right?) though... Fights are healthy... occasionaly you gotta blow off steam.
Hehehehe....I live on the other side of Lake Erie from where you were. It is a cool area. smile
Some asshole drove my car off the road.
Of course it was raining and I had forgotten my cell phone- homeboy roars up in his gigantic truck and almost slammed into me, so I tried to switch lanes but my car hit a wet patch and I skidded off the road, over the curb and into a tree,

Thank god, all that happened was my...
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I'm glad you're okay! frown
I bought a canopy bed and a full dining room set ! Yay.

So I'm back in Maryland.. I had so much fun in SC. After my hair-dying adventure with Kathy, I headed out to see my little sister Amanda. I spent all day Sunday with her, shopping and just talking about stuff.

The trip back today was awesome. First we stopped at South of the Border and took pictures with all the random statues.

In North Carolina,...
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sounds fun!

...You never called me BITCH!

JK. I just found out that my phone got disconnected for some reason and I got all pissed off and tried everything but ultimately I'm screwed. I tried internet (site is down), I tried calling "operator" (get verison message) tried automated pay (is down), tried customer help (everyone's gone for the day) Tried screaming (god didn't hear me). Thought about emailing you, but then I thought It'd be funnier to share with everyone how my phone company SUCKS ASS! *hugs and kisses* Luv'ya smile kiss Bye!
Yeah... the whole thing is pretty bad. The way the whole gvmnt is handling this hurricane.

Not only 1, but 2 fucking SC juctices...

How is the Navy treating you?
i like the hair alot
I have red hair now. Oops.

It was supposed to be "brioche," which is portrayed on the box as a light golden brown suitable for women with dark hair who want it to be a little lighter. In actuality, it is a bright reddish-blonde that is in no way in accordance with military regs.

Steven said I look like a road-guard vest. Grr.

I like...
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ouch, i hope you make it home, i def wanna see the bright orange hair sounds sexxy!
I LOVE my Criminal Justice class.


I bought gas for $3.05 today. Half a tank cost me $27.. ridiculous. And I'm driving almost 1,000 miles this weekend WHY?!?!? Ok, so I want to see Kathy before she leaves for Iraq, and I want to see my sister again before she leaves for college.. so it's worth it. And $200 for gas is still cheaper...
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Check out the hybrids that are out now. The Honda Insight and Toyota Prius have been out several years and will get you 50 or 60 miles per gallon.

Not only is it cheaper - you do not have to stop for gas as often on long trips. Or tank up.

I hate to say that gas prices are going to continue to come up and we probably will not see them dip much below today's prices in the future.

But oil seems to be in short supply and gas scarcer, thanks to an unbelievable array of bad luck with nature, machinery, and human behavior in the last 3 months.

That's the now/soon story. Long term: I just read that based on the aged projections of an economist with an uncanny knack for being right, we may have used just over 50% of the oil in the ground in the last hundred years.

So we burn half in a century and we have half left, say. But we have more cars in the US, Europe, and middle east now than we did in the first half of last century. Plus, expect a lot more drivers to come on the roads in just the next decade. India and China are trying to rapidly mint a middle class.

Those two countries also have 3 billion people living in them - that's half the planet's population! In the US, there are only 300 million people - which is one tenth of their number.

Assuming the same ratio of people in those 2 countries buy cars as those in this country, mucho gas will be going up in smoke for their commuting and vacations+errands.

I think road tar is made from some stuff left over from the refining process. Demand for more roads across China might spike demand for more of that stuff.

Plus, plastics are petroleum based too - and middle class and tech products and cars need lots of plastic.

Not to mention the amount of energy required to spin up and keep cranking similar degree of industry in those countries as we see in the US, Germany, and such.

If that economist was right, the gas would quickly run out - in far less than another century. Even if he wasn't, oil that is "down in the ground" does no good if we can't both find it and get it up and refined without stopping.

Anyway, all these things point to tigher supply, sharper demand, and higher prices.

Think hybrid the next time you buy a car. You save money every time you drive it. miao!!
Actually a few states have actually stopped the price gouging by putting price caps on gas, especially since crude oil is back where it should be and it just the Corporate giants and Bush who owms alot of stock in a particular oil company. are just trying to get their 300 percent profit. Can't wait to hang out. peace
I started college yesterday - I was right, it's going to be easy as hell. I've already completed half the assignments for my Psychology class...

I decided to say "fuck you" to the Navy and get the degree I want, not their stupid Computer Science shit. I'm going to get my associate's in Cyber Forensics and my bachelors in Criminal Justice. I'm only 11 classes...
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I came across your name and thought wtf, it is so close to my daughter's name "Caedyn". kindd of freaked me out for a brief moment.
It is a good field.

I think you have chosen wisely. EL SUICIDO LOCO
Stephen and I went to this nifty little new-age shop in Laurel, and he bought me a tarot deck to replace the one I had to get rid of.. I'm excited. I also got a new purse - it's big and had a screenprint of Shiva and her attendants on it.

Today I bought a new line of skin care stuff from the Body Shop....
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I am a big DC fan. Though, I can't say I have the stomach for the surgery shows.
i love tarot, i'm not very good
I realized yesterday that a lot my current really good friends will be leaving soon (military life is always temporary) so I decided to make some new ones.

It's going well. I even have a new female person to hang out with, so my list is up to 3 girls that I would consider spending times with.

I saw 'Wedding Crashers' - good movie.
I need some new people to hang out with too.
I'm waiting for The Brothers Grimm to come out for the next movie I go see.
I'll be your new friend, i come home back to meade in october woot!
I saw Jacob this weekend, stayed with him in Norfolk - his ship goes out on a 6 month cruise starting September 1st. I'll miss him so much, funny how we finally find each other again as he's leaving.

I'm having another pregnancy scare, but this time it could have some truth to it. Every time I have sex I get nervous, but I've never...
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I hope that all turns out for the best, and that you are not pregnant unless of course you want to be but it sounds to me like you don't want a baby just yet. hope Nelson shows up to go get thatmovie with ya he's a fool not to smile