A pheremonal scented shroud goes draped across her face
An ages old Egyptian dance is singing from her waist
And I believe Im bound to let me down
The power in her Lion eyes glows golden as her skin
As a bead inside her navel lets a womans shape begin
And I may just lose my mind
Because she...
She knock them hips from side...
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I really don't like the cold. *shivers*
I love the cold better that the heat lol.
I'd rather be a little cold than too hot, but having spent three days out in the field, in the cold, I really wanna be warm right now.
I have to admit, I'm a bookworm. It's a new development for me. Well, sort of. I've recently fallen in love with fiction novels. Before I read mostly non fiction and erotica. After the 7th Harry Potter book was released I decided to see what the big deal was and in a matter of just a few weeks I had all 7 books read and...
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I liked the Septimus Heap books by Angie Sage. (Magyk, Flyte, and Physik) They're Harry Potter like, but they may feel a bit "young" after reading the Pullman stuff...... If you like to laugh, try the Xanth novels by Piers Anthony. GREAT fantasy stories, with so many puns, I always laugh out loud.
(I love to read books without pictures, but I have so many comics to keep up with I don't have time for it anymore.....) kiss
The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, World War Z by Max Brooks....that's all I've read as of late.
Yay! After a lot of time on the phone I'm getting a new printer from Epson. I get to keep the old one too. Maybe I can find someone who wants it that can fix it. *shrugs*

Hunting season is here already! Where has the time gone?! I can't believe it. I haven't even sited in my rifle. It's going to be a cold weekend...
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Thats great, and yeah maybe someone can fix the old one. I wanna the puscifer cd too frown

Good luck with ur new set biggrin
Anyone doing the political thing? I try, I'm busy and I don't get to watch much TV that isn't PBS or a DVD. If you are like me this could help.

Vote Match Quiz

btw...the jury is still out on the 5-htp and valerian root.

how are you doing?
I'm ok. I'm at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. I'm in BNCOC, which sucks. Can't wait to get back to Bragg!
Happy Halloween! So, it's a day early, oh well. I didn't want to forget. I won't be participating in any adult fesitivities this year. frown That just means next year I have to have twice the fun!

This is an awesome SCS set in my opinion. If you agree leave the girl some love! love
I saw you comment on the Scottish Irish group. Paddy Rocks!
Hell Yeah Paddy is the shit!
It's raining!! biggrin It's been raining for 2 days now. We need it so badly. I know my area isn't quite as bad as some farther south (GA for example) so I hope they are getting the same kind of soaking rains.

The rain is making my dog sitting a little more irritating. I've got a 70+ pound pit bull puppy while a good friend of...
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WOW.. Thank you for such a great comment on the set.
I'm in the market for a new digital camera. I'm really impressed with what I've read about the Pentax W30. Does anyone have any comments on it? Or any suggestions on a camera for me to check out? I need something with image stabilization or blur reduction that can withstand getting knocked around a bit.

Much Love
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