There's this QOTSA album I'm trying to win on ebay. Keep your fingers crossed for me. It's fabulous.
ohmydog!! does it have the one song that goes something like ......sexdrugsnalcohol.......
i don't know the song name or album, but i have been trying to figure it out!!! i want that album!!!

good luck with ebay!! i'll cross my fingers and toes!!
I love Les Savy Fav & Hubert Selby.

My stomach has been making CRAZY noises all day. They just keep getting weirder. Maybe one of these days I'll get my gut checked out. Maybe not.

I'm going to Sacramento yet again. One of my old friends is turning...well...old. There are going to be so many familar faces. I'm going to feel 15 again. There's one...
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I wanted to be David Byrne from the Talking Heads. specifically when he wore his giant suit......
A medium snuggled in
Pale Jellies and a floating Mandolin.
Fra Karamazov, mumbling his inept
All is allowed, into some classes crept;
And to fulfull the fish wish of the womb,
A school of Freudians headed for the tomb.

V. Nabakov

[Edited on Mar 02, 2005 1:25AM]
I had the best time last nite. Lots of good times, awesome fooseball matches. I owned at fooseball and made a new friend. Rad. Boyfriend called to say that littleman wasn't going with him to the show. RAD. Leave littleman where he belongs. So after I go to this party tonite and after Nate goes to his show we're going back to my house so...
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ooh, rotweilers are rad! yeah, hopefully i'll be able to have a puppy sometime soon. anyway, how was your weekend?
tonite i'm going to sit down and make a bunch of buttons. i've got lots of cute pictures to turn into buttoney goodness. I am SO GLAD tomorrow is Friday.
oh good, i'm glad she's well! yeah, i have a cat up at my mom's house. i wanted to take him when i moved, but he was very sick at the time, and i wasn't sure if i'd be able to get a place to live with him around. he's a cornish rex - weird looking cat, but soft & really sweet. i wanna get a little puppy for my place in la though cos i'm lonely. what kinda dog do you have?
my dog is sick. frown
that stinks, hope the pooch feels better.
oh no! well i hope she feels better today. smile
I am silly. That's all there is to it.

And I rule at Scene It. I kicked Nate's man ass twice. I had a great weekend. Quality time with the family, the girl friends and the boyfriend. Pops may have gotten him some time in mexico as a graduation present. bitch best invite me. because i put out.
you know what's really ghey? not having the internet at home. but room mate extrodinaire made it work. huzzah.

vday was cool. nate came up and we went and saw interpol. tres romantique. not. although it was pretty fucking rad. i love getting praises on my lady skills.

tonite i'm going to 1984. you're going too. say hello.

this weekend i'm going to sacramento for...
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i will be there briefly on friday, but im sure i will be back soon and ill let you know
im going to 1984?
We got a button maker. Fuck yes. I made a couple cute buttons. One is a bunny doing coke off a naked girl. I do not condone coke, or bunny's doing coke, but i do condone naked girls. duh.

i had a good time last nite. took us forever to get ready. i had to sacrifice a shirt i was in love with last nite...
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YOU cut in front of me?!?! kidding. good to see you last night, yea it was bit rough to move around. a lot of kids showed up. too many people mistook the dance floor for a freeway onramp i think. i too was a victim of the recycled vomit spreader
i was born on the wrong side of the gun...

Is it Monday yet? I 'm broke as eff. I need to do laundry. I'm reading this great book, Last Exit to Brooklyn. In fact, I think it's time to go read it now. This was pointless.