So I like a cute boy who's tuff, not cute...haha. Of course he lives 1300 miles away. I like being liked. I love knowing there's someone out there who maybe, just maybe, appreciates me for me and won't try and bag on everything I'm not cause you know what....there's a lot of things that I AM. I am financially stable and independent, I am a...
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why is it I just can't figure it all out? Why am I fine one day and a trainwreck the next? Why do I think I'm still in love with him when he only drives me nuts? Is it all just me feeling slighted? Feeling like I didn't get the chance I deserved? What did I say last night and why is it bothering me...
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The only time I write shit is when I'm pissed or sad. I guess I put it here cause I know no one will see it.
Except for me, if I happen to be trolling the locals.
so last night was bittersweet. Going away party for one of my coworkers and friends. Everyone was crying and he gave a pretty kickass speech to the whole bar. Jay broke down. He's manic as fuck right now, couldn't sleep til like 9 this morning.
I wish i could figure all of this out. I was ridiculously emo yesterday. I finally went to get my stuff from Jay's and bombarded him with everything. He's not fucking someone else. He told me he just wants to forget about the opposite sex for awhile and even though he doesn't show it, he is sad that we didn't make it. We're still friends,...
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I will not allow myself to be in pain. He is my best friend, all I need is a few days away, then I can come back and be ready to see him. ready to be his friend again. I can't cut him out of my life completely, that just won't work. Our lives are too integrated. I love him so much.
I can't believe I"m already losing him. I'm getting progressively worse at relationships. When did I turn into the girlfriend no one wants to be around? when did I stop being happy at all? when did I become this miserable human being that is just a drag to be around, who can't laugh anymore? Maybe I"m destined to be alone, not alone, but romantically alone....
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My dog is wearing a rugby shirt and I'm drinkin coffee from our brand new, $100 coffee maker. God I'm an asshole.
If my dogs eat one more pair of underwear, they're both going to the pound. grrr. Not really.

On a lighter note, I woke up this morning crying. I was dreaming that Mark was the last person that loved me and I was begging him not to leave me. I was also realizing, in my dream that is, that both my parents were gone and...
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