Going to be a CRAZY night at work tonight. I hope I make it out alive!! Really looking forward to Midnight coming around and that first cigarette at the end of the shift! Then wake up early as balls for EPIC BRUNCH! In the kitchen for every brunch we put it on the 90's Pop Station on Pandora, we call it "Sing-A-Long Sundays"... So much...
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yes! i used to have 80s montages biggrin
Hope it is not the peak of my quotes in 2013 but best quote of the year thus far, "Some people want to be buried, I want to be Foie Gras.."
Thanks for the add!
"And monkeys brains, though popular in Cantonese cuisine, is very rarely found in Washington, D.C.!"

I think I would like to share a joke..... Few people like it/get it, but the ones whom of which do enjoy this joke fucking LOVE this joke, (put me in that group) so here it goes,
A spider walks into a bar.....
Bartender looks over at the spider and says, "hey Spider how's it going? Why the eight legs?"
Spider replies in a monotone,...
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hahahahahahaha!!! that kicks the hell outta the horse with the long face!!! lmao
Today I feel more like I like to oat, oat, oat, opples and ban no nos more than i like to ight, ight, ight, ighpples and ban igh, ighs......
wordograms? lmao
"I've been here before, I'll be here again, my blood runs quick like ink from a squid"

-Man Man
in response to my blog ..BAHAHAHAHA best thing about this comment is i call nick giraffe cuz hes 6"9 and i LOVE WAFFLES!!!! WITH PEANUT BUTTER AND BUTTERPECAN SYRUP! lol
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first, invent the universe."

-Carl Segan

I am not smart enough nor tech forward enough to figure how to make one of my pics be a profile pic. However do have pics on profile. I feel extremely smart at the moment....