that was one of the best gigs i've ever been to.
britney+trevor+me+opiate for the masses+ill nino+static-x=amazing music, amazing time, "i'll be fine tomorrow" from britney and really sore necks for trevor and i. xD
there were so few people. we waited outside for about an hour and a half and made our way to the front of the club. opiate for the masses was good....
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i wish i was there. it sound like it would have been cool.
yes, I thought so!
how are you?
my corset boots and lovely new bondage pants came in yesterday. the only thing that's crap about losing weight is the fact that...it's costly to buy all of the lovely things that you want to wear afterwards. my boots, even...they boast a 'glove like fit', but my legs sort of swim in them. i don't care, i don't care. they're delicious.

britney+trevor+me=@ lupo's for STATIC-X/ILL...
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the mudvayne gig was fun. we got there a bit late, on purpose, as it was fucking freezing out. we still saw 10 days, sevendust, and of course...mudvayne. it was fun, but i was well tired.
static-x on the eighth...though i may have said they tenth before. ...EIGHTH! biggrin
I really need to get out to more gigs frown
i'm one fuck of a paradox.
i already knew this, i'm just expressing it.
there's nothing wrong with it, either.
one element that contributes to my being paradox:
i hate cars. i think that they're horrible killing machines.
i really, really do. i totally love riding passenger, though.
the itch that is "obtaining the license" really needs to be scratched soon, too.
i want...
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bah just settle for ontop of a tomb in the winter or fall under the moon...
last night was lots of fun.
the gig started at eight; in providence by seven, but the living room is so obscure, so we didn't find it until some few minutes after eight o'clock. mapquest is good for nothing, i tell you. i asked for directions at the biltmore hotel and mr. fancy pants lit mapquest's directions on fire. haha.
finally, brit and i got...
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when it's twenty minutes until four in the morning, it's pretty delicious to listen to mr. claudio sanchez sing when in doubt, oh...when in doubt, oh...when in doubt, just get down on your knees and suck me.... come to think of it, it's delicious to hear mr. sanchez at any time. sometimes i prefer to listen to shabutie over coheed. the music is so...
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Have fun tonight, and don't stay out to late biggrin
hope you have a fun time tonight.
this weekend has been much, much fun.
caitlin came over right after thanksgiving dinner.
she stayed pretty much the whole weekend, sans the tiny time incrament where she went home to get more clothes.
we made prank phone calls, like the immature dorks that we are. tongue
on friday, we went to go see harry potter and the goblet of fire. we went to the...
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you should definately apply to be a suicide girl. wink
oh, man. why is it that i can never fucking sleep? mad
i always ask myself the same!
Hey gorgeous just stopped by to say hello. Been busy the past few weeks no time to sit at the computer.I sometimes go through the not being able to sleep thing. With me after a few days of not being able to sleep it passes then I'm fine for a while.
oh my fucking sweet alaskan asparagus tips.
coheed and cambria was unbelievable.
i waited outside for well over two hours, and quite obviously, eased on to the front of the stage. holding my place throughout the chaos, however...well, i pretty much broke my sternum doing so. tongue haha. mewithoutYou made me think of a pissed off b-52s, or something. i think the drummer was fantastic and...
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You wild girl you. wink How about a queen concert instead. love love
it's just past four in the morning.
i'm sore and cannot sleep.
after a time span of seemingly forever...i finally get to see coheed and cambria tonight. oh, the excitement!
i was supposed to see them way back when at wbru's birthday bash.
finally...claudio sanchez. love
Why are you sore? what are the girls like. smile kiss
i was at the coheed show too...they fuckin rocked! ooo aaa