I'm finally starting to get settled into my new setting. I still have to get a lot of things organized but it's feeling more like a home... i'm wondering how long this one will last. I've had far too many homes a little stability would be nice perhaps.

Tonight after I got off work Beth wanted to go out so we walked down to the...
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The past week has been very busy I can't wait to just sit back and relax for a little bit but I still have to get things unpacked and organized. I'm enjoying living here I just sort of can't wait until Beth starts her job. The past few weeks she's been home a lot and I guess she's restless which ends up with her wanting...
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I've moved yet again... I'm back to cuyahoga falls this time though I'm living with my friend Beth. This is a good thing I have more room live in a better area and finally internet/cable smile

The move has been exhausting though but I did most of it by myself. Also I ended up busting out the back window of my tracker as i was trying...
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This year isn't starting out that great so far. I suppose years never start out that good as the begin in the middle of winter. It just sucks I've been getting sick like every other week it seems. Now my car has broke down hopefully that gets fixed soon. I've been a bit stressed and tired out about work as well it's just not fun...
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I've been helping my little sister move out today. It's a pretty odd feeling I can still remember her waddling around as a little baby. Time has certainly been flying by that's for sure everything's just changing so fast anymore. I was never bothered much by myself growing up but in some ways i'm bothered by my sister getting old I guess I'll always think...
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i've been good. i started cosmetology school! that does suck that you can't get on all the time! how have you been doing?
I guess I'm re-activating my account for christmas. Yeah I still didn't get the internet at home so i'm not sure what the point is it's not like I can access this place at work. Maybe it'll motivate me to get it who knows... well it's good for a year anyways.

I'm just over my mom's for christmas eve I figured it was easier than...
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yayyy you're back! kiss
It's friday night and I'm at home cleaning up my room.... somethings never change smile

This week hasn't been the best I haven't really gotten much accomplished as far as new place to live. I did turn in an application to this one place it's sort of shitty and the halls smell like urine. It's cheap though that's all that matters right and the lease is...
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hah you're such a liar! thanks tho...

glad your grams is doing better
but i'm bummed you're getting rid of the internet,
boo on you!
This has been a shitty week. This morning I got a message from my dad that my grandma had a heart attack last night. I guess she has to have a bi-pass or whatever they call it. I went up there to see her today she really wasn't looking all that great hospitals just creep me out. My grandpa looked pretty worn and tired I...
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aw kid i'm sorry, i'm sure she'll be well and oughta there soon, till then keep your head up and try not to worry too much
My car finally died on me smile so for tonight I'm stuck at my mom's. I get to try to find some new car... seems like I'm getting all kinds of changes a new place to live, a new car, and well I think I finally got Lisa to hate me so all is good.

This weekend alright despite today. Friday I went to the art...
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Yeah. Thats true. I think if you want love though, you're just asking to fall on your ass lol. At least that's been my experience. I think its the being in love that is wonderful, but the pain afterwards is the price you pay in return of the glory you had before it. frown
And, if I ever do have the joy of actually having sex again, I will remember to say, " My My, if this isn't nice, I don't know what is!" But I am sure its going to cause a sudden outburst of laughter lmao
NO! No giving up on romance. It does exist. Its just sneaky. It only likes to catch you when you aren't paying attention lol.

I think it's funny how the medicine that is meant to help your sanity can also kill your brain if you so chose to do so. It's sort of like well if it doesn't make you feel better you can always just take the whole bottle and short circuit your brain. I don't know what is going on with that whole thing though I haven't...
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sorry to hear that you didnt have a good weekend. hopefully things will get better.
