So I just caught Pans Labrynth. Fucking amazing movie. Saw Children of Men last night and that was amazing too. I'm afraid that after such a run of good luck with movies I'm going to have to watch some Ernest flicks to balance it out. I think they are both nominated for acadamy awards this year along with Little Miss Sunshine and The Departed.
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i liked lil miss sunshine. I also saw a scanner darkly, that was a wierd one.
So I just bought, kinda spur of the moment, an '82 Olds Delta. I've needed a running car for a while but it kinda came to the point today that I needed one immediately. I'm pretty fucking psyched. I've been looking at old Cadillacs and shit for a while. Something I could paint black and put a system in and maybe some rims on and...
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hell yeah ARRR!!!
So if anyone actually reads these things I'd like to wish all my beautiful friends and Rob a happy new year. Time is an abstraction but it was a great excuse to go out and get drunk. I would advise everyone to play Clutchs newest Robot Hive/Exodus really loud right now to kick it off. robot
Black Christmas...Not the best movie you'll see all year but definately a good punctuation to the season, if like me you are more a fan of Halloween than Christmas. I'll celebrate a Pagan harvest festival with Zombie and Slasher flicks 100 times before I get the urge to celebrate "The Savior's" birth once.
Christmas eve and I went out and got drunk. I kinda figured it would be depressing but it was a good time with some good friends. I'm glad I didn't sit around watching shitty Christmas specials on tv like I'd planned. Merry Christmas.
So I went out to The Barbary last night and saw Necktie, Scare Ho, and a band called S.p.e.n.t play. Got hit with a flying beercan. Met a beautiful girl with big ass bugs tattooed to her lower back. Drank far more than my share. Despite the lack of a member Necktie tore the ass out of the place. If you like harsh music I'd...
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