Working on the collective mind
My thoughts all jumbled and jumpy
you know what all ya'll can do?

everyone's too timid to reach out
where's my love from this virtual conglomerate?
not one single friend, not one single solid response.
this world was created right here in my town.

do i seem scary here? does anyone care?

maybe i'm spread too thin.
eating at a chinese restaraunte
i feel like blowing it.
what are you trying to do to me?
climbing the walls of creativity...
i re-live my college memories as i recieve phone calls.
acid wanderings thru mountainous beauty
rambling movie madness...can we make that?
Your present plans are going to succeed.

jolly good time.

i like your words.
no contacts, just photoshop.
or so it seems...
four score seven years to go i did it all with
now i want to wait for me
longer still or so it seems. frown eeek frown frown eeek frown frown eeek
god, what a lame-o. not even one friend here. what a frak among freaks.
All i'm saying is "let's be certain here." doesn't something smell fishy? I mean check this out: electronic voting fraud is a serious matter.

whatever. all we can do is stay informed. if you vote by machine or absentee ballot there still going to corrupt something about it somewhere along the line.

how bout that fallujah assault! get the hospital and bridges first. This article...
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RECOUNT! RECOUNT! RECOUNT! Oh..wait there's nothing to recount in the diebold computer voting states. shit! Oh well, it's only six million votes.

Ralph Nader is trying to instigate a recount in New Hampshire in hopes of setting of more recounts. But guess what...the mass media doesn't care. There not reporting this stuff.

Pseudo-democracy isn't any fun....
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You can say that again. FUCK THEM THOSE IGNORANT TWO ISSUE VOTING MUDDAFUGGIN' no life god fearing i'm scared of everything IDIOTS! They will pay for their crimes against humanity soon enough.

It's simply mind bogglin' how so many confused, yet organized individuals can come out in masses and vote for Bush: opposite backward anti-good, thinking that they're somehow voting for the good side.

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like your critique

if we brainwash the nation we will have control, seems to be the Bush mantra at the moment.

I would love to go back in time, to right before the fascist take over of italy simply to see the similarities. I know there was resistance, a good majority hated Mussolini, but they all left the nation and came here.

Where are we now as a nation? In the same place so many nations have found themselves before. We are proud, nationalistic, idealist, and religious.. Nothing good can come of this, and while there are those that disagree, this country is fundamentally a oligarchy.

Like the underground movements against Italy, Germany, ext, we must form our own. So that way, atleast in the future, someone will be able to document that some americans were willing to fight this shit!!!!
So once again the Cherry Tarts r0c! The show tonight was even better than the show @ Devilo's Point. Everyone was much more into the show this time around or at least it seemed like it since everyone was dancing at the end...well, almost everyone. I really want to do a documentary about the Cherry Tarts and burlesque. Does anyone else think this is a...
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You can say that again. FUCK THEM THOSE IGNORANT TWO ISSUE VOTING MUDDAFUGGIN' no life god fearing i'm scared of everything IDIOTS! They will pay for their crimes against humanity soon enough.

It's simply mind bogglin' how so many confused, yet organized individuals can come out in masses and vote for Bush: opposite backward anti-good, thinking that they're somehow voting for the good side.

This just shows everyone, i think, that the power of the media, Fox news, is the center for information gathering for many folks, left or right minded. example:
Fox news ratings

Carl Rove is an interesting man. It's amazing such a weirdo like Bush can be a president. Hoodwinked! Bamboozled!

KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! EVEN IF IT'S JUST FOX! But at least check out:

yea, yes...i don't know what i'm complaining about. i have tons o' friends. i just always want more. uh...Supersize Me is a great doc. everyone should see this to really get a good idea about the dangers of fast food. F the corporations that do bad. a once a week user of Mcdonalds is considered a heavy user. who likes to eat poison? me! i...
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Damn i missed the cruxshadows. curses! i totlally forgot and made other plans. i'm dumb but at least i got some shit hammered out. writing scripts is a hard thing to start especially when working with another person. i wish i had more people around here to bounce things off of and to fucking remind me about shows. bitches. ♥

Friends totally suck ass sometimes. wink
how depressing. no one here knows me yet. just a blip.

hmmm.... skull robot ARRR!!!