So, I'm stuck in San Fransico. I wish I had some rice a roni. Anyhow. Probably wont get home tonight which is fucking rediculous. Got put on stndby because my connecting flight left on time and the first flight was late. Next possible flight out is 10:50 local time, 12:50 at home. Or a possibility of 11:30 which is 1:30. then even better is that...
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Well, its my last day here in sunny California. Going home tonight and then I'll be able to sleep in my own bed. Oh how I miss you mildly comfortable bed. Not quite sure what is planned for the day until its time to go to the airport. So until I figure it out I'll talk to yous later. Keep the shiny side up.
Back from Vegas. I was gonna post last night but was fricken exhausted. So, Vegas is cool, overrated, but cool. TV totally make it look like the strip is 15 miles long and blah blah blah. Its a lot smaller than you'd think surprisingly. So after being there for around 12 hours and spending way too much money, I have decided that unless a return...
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So just got back from yet another run around the towns. More great pics, but yet again, they are too big to post. So I guess I'm gonna have to dump them all to facebook. Still super excited about going to Vegas tomorrow. There will definitely be more picture.s than I will know what to do with from there. Well it's midnight movie time. Gonna...
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Hey all. So The first full day of California was pretty decent. Went out driving around seeing more shit. Went to the beach and got some kick ass shots of the ocean. Now it's a pit stop home and then off to another beach, not sure which one. Then dinner time. I'm really excited now, cause tomorrow is the trip to VEGAS. So I really...
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Alright so I spent the day out here seeing a bit of the sights. It is fantastic here. The sights are fantastic. Took a bunch of pictures but my camera was dying so didn't get as many as I wanted. Wen out to Seal Beach by the pier. Tried to get this awesome shot of the ocean with the oil rigs and the moon in...
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So I landed. Time difference is a bit screwy. I'm sure I'll get used to it by tomorrow. People here kinda drive like dicks, so I'm kinda glad I don't have my bike. The last thing I need is to get into a wreck out here. So I'll put some updates on later. Pictures will come with. Later.
Finally finished packing for California. I think. Decided to go have a few beers at the local hangout. I forgot how bad the Tuesday night crowd is. A few cool people were there but there's always a weirdo or two. Kick ass side note of going to California, during the weekend we are going to Vegas. Now that I can't wait for. Only shitty part...
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have fun
I feel like no matter how much i do actually sleep, I just can't seem to not be tired. It totally sucks.
OK, so I got everything done today that I had planned. I know. I'm amazed too. So I have just one question for the day. Is it a good or bad thing when the bar you hang out at tells you an "undesirable" needs to go and they call you. Not because you are the biggest guy there, but because they think you can scare...
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Its because you are that awesome..