Back from the weekend. Honestly dont know how it went....... Seemed to have gone ok other than all of us getting sick for a day of the 3 i was there. I can normally read people well enough to at least get a slight understanding of how they are feeling alot of the time but most the weekend i wasnt able to get much at...
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Off to see the new girl for the weekend, Maybe i'll come back with pictures, maybe not.... till sunday at the earliest have a fun weekend kiddo's biggrin
you too and take care! people are crazy right now
Amazingly still nothing new and exciting to report............ From the sound of things i should be headed out of town again soon not sure exactly when or where yet but i'm sure i'll find out before i leave biggrin
thanx smile
Nothing new and exciting to report here, another boring week. Hopefully i'll actually get a bit busier at work soon so i stop going stir crazy. Leave me a message if you love me tongue
i got my sleeping hours all flipped around again... and spent all night cliff-diving in the veiled sea because i had nothing else to do blackeyed
The last trip went well overall. Didn't work myself too much while out, so didnt have my normal amount of goof of time at each location, but it was still fun. In Seattle at least i got to see a few friends and family. Nothing new and major to report going on the past week or so. I'm waiting to hear when and where i'm...
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omg well-planned raids were so much fun, but pick-up raids really sucked most of the time

you should check out GW, no monthly fee! and besides i can run you almost all over the map
lol get your ink finished first! you'll enjoy it for alot longer than some video game wink

[Edited on Apr 02, 2006 6:21AM]
Well... its been a while but back to my traveling i go for another few weeks. I'm off to Chicago again tomorrow, but only for a short trip. I should be back Thursday at the latest. Then off to West Boylston, MA for a week, and following that Seattle for a week. After those 3 not sure where my travels will take me, thats all...
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Underworld Evolution kicks ass.............that is all ooo aaa
Ugh, i haven;t seen it yet, but i've been wanting to, did you have to see the first one? I didn;t get a chance to watch the first one because no one owuld let me outta my cage.

love You should read "The Compass Rose" by Gail Dayton, its fun and erotic biggrin!
He who controls the Spice, controls the universe!
so far so well with the new job, things are still a bit hectic, but this was indeed expected. Hopefully things will settle down in a few weeks and i can be home a bit more.
Well 2 of us quit today and the other 2 got fired, but we also are headed out of town for work again just officially as the new company. Those of you that had my # catch me on here or somewhere if i havent gotten back with you and i'll get my new cell # to you when i can.

Hope you're having fun at on the road!!!
Well christmas went decent, the kiddo is happy and thats good. I'll be better in a couple weeks when the lonliness i feel this season leaves in favor of the cold emptyness that is normally there. Even though i've been hanging out with friends the past week or so it still only helps so much. Oh well enough of this from me. Party on tuesday!...
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I don't Suck, I just Donot sheck this as much as I used to.. Looser, yes I am..