I stood in the hotel room and wondered -exactly how did I get here?
Standing in front of the mirror it struck me - was I alone?
Out of the corner of my eye, he was stretched across the bed in the shadows.
"Who are you I asked him?"
He said - " You will remember"
I whispered a loud _ " Who am I?...
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And so ... do you remember who he was?
That was awesome.
(So it is not a conventional poem per say)

Before you

A belief in darkness.
A belief In pain.
A belief in sedition.

A belief in the irretrievable death of my soul.

Your words are like a beacon of light that shreds the eternal night.
Your words are like an endless promise of possibility.
Your words deliver me into rapture.

You are at the tip...
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Convention be damned.

The tips of your fingers, out of reach? Stretch just a bit further. Reach a bit more distant. Fingertips isn't too far from within reach ...
I fear my allergies may be too strong for even coffee to fix.
Important Life Lesson

Have you ever noticed that people say---" some of the worst things seem to happen to some of the nicest people". I have a solution to avoid this type of karmatic sink hole- simple - "Don't be nice"

Yes, cynical I know. But it is much rarer to hear of the wicked people getting what they deserve in a bad way -...
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In Love with Love or .....

Today is a day that I have pondered many a subject and I have to ask maybe you can be in Love with the idea of love and not the actual person you have attached the feelings too.

Makes no sense to love an empty shell that gives you nothing back but again I am not sure that anyone...
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I've always been in love with being in love ... and have never shared that passion with someone in life. In retrospect, I've confused love for many, many things.
One thing I know for certain is love makes no sense wink
I have always been slow to love and even slower to proclaim it. It is important to be careful with others hearts.
I have loved "lovers of love" and it can be magical! The energy they bring to the newness of a relationship is ebullient and contagious.. but in the end leaves you unfulfilled, that's the rub.
Hugh Jackman--yummy!

Ok went to see Wolverine last night---I will not spoil for anyone but my goodness a man should not be aloud to be that hot in and out of clothes!

I think I know what kind of man am looking for now a real animal love
LMAO I saw the dude that plays Gambit and I almost peed. see?

I cant wait to see that. I REALLY wanna see Star Trek too! Me and the boy are going when he is here!

Tomorrow I will get my third tattoo.. I have opted for Kanji symbols at the base of my neck:

(will post a pic when done) = Unstoppable
How did the tattoo go???
Hey U!

Tattoo went very well I am super happy with it. It is on the base of my neck. I keep meaning to have some snaps of it when I am showing people and than the ole brain forgets!

I will get one up soon. In the beginning of June I go back to finally have my Phoenix coloured in my artist was in an uproar at the thought I would leave it as is eeek
Tattoo #3 - in progress

Next week I go for my consult of tattoo #3 I am very excited! smile
I had the most intense kickboxing session this am. WOW everything hurts even breathing. It really is an awesome work out and you can imagine you are kicking the crap out of the people you dislike most.
Isn't It Ironic..... over 11 years and what do you expect

I see that there are alot of brave people here not afraid to bare their soul and whatever else may fit the bill. Many claim that speaking your piece is cathartic.

How exactly are you suppose to react and feel when the person you have lived and loved with for over 11 years decides...
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Hi All,

I am new to the site and I was wondering if anyone can suggest some good photographers in the Toronto Canada region?

Thank you so much for the link on Photgs!