Alright, so I looked at the wrong list yesterday, so I'm going to do this Blog Homework for last week super quickly since it's Friday, and because I want to share my stories. What is the most amazing/hilarious/disastrous romantic gesture you have ever pulled off, witnessed, or been the subject of?

Growing up, I didn't have a lot of friends. I was weird, awkward, had...
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That is a lovely story.

My boyfriend found this picture of an up-and-coming wrestler when we started dating a couple years ago and said she reminded him of me. Not too long ago, I found her picture and discovered it's a member of my Girl Crush Club, WWE's Paige! We might not look like each other now, but I think we could have done some serious twinning back in the
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I agree !

What a perfect day to do my first Blog Homework assignment! Shortly after waking up this morning, I checked my Facebook notifications from "On This Day", and discovered today is the day I got Tails two years ago! I was set on the name "Tails" for a Corgi, because of the fox-like attributes they have. When I found out she was a chick, I had...
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@ivylina Ugh seriously the best! Them, Pugs, Huskies, and Pit Bulls are definitely my favorites. I'll know I've made it when I have at least one of each of them running around! 😊 
Exactly!!! Yep! I have a pug! She's the best!! Now I want to get a corgi so badly!

Hello, and welcome to my first blog post since LiveJournal and Xanga were still hot shit! I'm always so awkward in real life that I find myself making status/tweets/messages/blogs and just deleting them instead of submitting. So you really never have a reason to feel weird around me, because I have that down to a science. Anyways, I've been waiting for the day I could...
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Welcome to the site! I also play TF2 to relieve the stress. :)