Back in the states! Will be looking for a place to live in Tacoma.
Good luck finding a place. smile
All my stuff is getting packed up tomorrow and I will live out of a suitcase for who knows how long. In a week and 3 days I'll be back in the states and away from this hell hole of a country. Back to real civilization, a car, a real place to live, real food and real non desert queen women.

Best of wishes on your journey back!
Spending most of the day organizing things I want take with me and things I want to live without for 3 months. Laundry, cleaning, packing up the 360, PS3, stereo, tv.... busy busy. Yay for Spotify!

Baltimore! I have a 12 hour lay over on the 31st of August. Anyone want to show a guy a good time... or where to get some good food and a beer?
The time to leave is getting closer. Have actually been having a good time here. It's different when you don't have to work all the time. Finding out more and more good things about where I'm going.
I have a gift, a gift I rarely get to show.
My fly out date has been pushed back a week meaning I leave on the 31st now. Not really a big deal, gives me more time to take care of shit. Plus, the past few weeks have been pretty good here. Most everyone is getting ready to leave here so there is a lighter happier atmosphere.
I'm so excited for you smile
I had a dream about you. You saw me but wanted nothing to do with me after everything you said. I talked to you today and you held me at a distance just the same. I need to cut these ties.

Saw the girl who I met last weekend who I felt I had a connection with but said she didn't know what to do....
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July is over! It was a much better month than June. This will be my last month in Turkey and by the end of the month I will once again, be in the states. With that good will come with the bad of leaving my friends here. People are leaving here before I do, so this month will be a conflict of emotion. Happy to...
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I've watched this probably 10 times in the past 30 minutes.

"Beginning scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom explaining why America's Not the Greatest Country Any Longer... But It Can Be."