none of the pics seem to b working frown

I'll be booking my swiss trip this week...smile



Right!, going to try to post up a few photos, previous attemps have ben hit and miss, if they dont come out, I will have another go on another blog, and another, still lets be positive.

the boarder area is know as Grand Col Ferret, its 2537 Meters above sea level, once I got into Switeraland it was all down hill until my next accommodation...
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me entering Switzerland, form Italy via Mountain passes, the boarder was 2537 Meters high in an area know as Grand Col Ferret, It was not to cold, I have never walked on snow, Children on the trail loved the snow, I was all a bit unsure






Me at Champex, having a wonder around the lake, luckily I had half a day in Champex







No its effin not meat head frown

Went to Brighton last night, I cadged a lift as a work colleague was attending a raw vegan Christmas lunch in Hove. I had not been in touch with one of my brothers for years, just by chance a month a go he rang up, we exchanged email addresses etc, I did not think I was going to see him so soon, I knew Graeme...
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I'm one of those people that likes to stare out to see. especially at night whatever the weather wink

All the bands i see are great...or i wouldnt go see them BUT "the grit" are my faves!!! I am a music junky biggrin

No, I dont want the 2nd tattooist job. definalty not. Im too busy at it is. I want to work less NOT MORE!

Nutz gets tattoo'd at immortal ink in south woodam ferrerso you know it?

oh and bootz of course. Although they are my new shoes blush
Morning all, off to Brighton, but not before I drop off a couple of photos

I went to the gym, after an absence of 3 weeks, I did not push it, just made sure I completed my routine as easy as I could, particularly on the running machine. The machine I never go on now is the Pectoral,(you know the one you sit upright and put your hands on the outside of two pads and bring them together meeting just...
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OOOhh have not been to the gym for 2 weeks. Now how you pay for going to the gym is similar to Mobile phones or computers, either pay as you go or on a monthly subscription.

A while ago I had big plans to do loads of weights and get big muscles in my arms, chest, and back, but I did to much to soon,...
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If anyone out their is having a fling or contemplating a fling, you may wish to read on....

If you are having a fling obviously the number one thing on your mind is not to get caught, did you know the number one item that could give the game away, you actually own and pay for on an on going basis, yes its your dear...
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