I have often thought it would be really nice to be multilingual. There are lots of advantages in life in general when you know more then one language. I think Spanish would be a nice start since it's the most common language in America besides English. Plus I find a lot of the countries that mainly speak Spanish to be interesting places to visit.

I know I will when I vote in the primaries this week!!

Well I hope there are enough of ones here in Indiana but I will see tomorrow. I am just not sure who I will want to vote for if Bernie isn't on the presidential ballot later this year.

I don’t know if I want to sum it down as just a you are a guy sort of thing because I feel that's it unfair to use it as a sort of excuse. Because I feel like I think a lot maybe too much about things like sex and female nudity. Right now I am not getting or seeing much of any personally but...
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I am unsure how many people pay attention to what I share from my Instagram page also onto my SG profile but I just wanted to let those who do that I am gonna be sharing images from the shoot of the MMPR Reboot. So for those interested trying to keep watch for what I posts because I will probably share from time to time...
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I feel like I need a bit of a thrill in my life. I have honestly considered taking up skydiving. I know its a crazy thing to wanna do and not something most would wanna do but I think it would be fun to do at least once.


I am a huge fan of the 1940s/50s era I love so many things from that era the films, the actors, the cars and the old Hollywood style of that era. I have considered if I could to dress in that old vintage style but I feel for men there is mainly just suits and depending on the occasion depends on how nice the suit...
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I have watched the video introducing Pearl Mackie as Bill as the new Doctor Who companion and I am starting to feel a bit more sure she may be from the past like 80s potentially. Besides the fact she dresses kind of retro looking like the fact she is wearing a Prince Purple Rain shirt which by the way didn't come out till 1984 so...
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I am just ready to get the day at work already over with because one less work day done is one more day closer to my work weekend and I can relax after a long work week. I hope everyone else will have a good Friday with whatever your plans are for today.


I think this is something a lot of us think about it but I been thinking about wanting more out of my life. I just feel like nowadays I am stuck in the same old routine and not getting more out of life and I just feel like that is something I want. To go on some sort of adventure to fulfill things I wanna...
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