Life is currently ridiculous, and that's just about all I have to say on the matter.

I have the greatest tattoo ever! Pics and details to come....

Just the first draft of a story for class... tell me what ya think!

Chuck Taylor's

Jake and I had been friends for as long as I could remember, growing up in the same foster home, and helping each other through the hard times in life or enjoying the good together. While our lives hadn't always been the easiest in the world, there always seemed...
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...so I heard about this amazing way to accomplish large art pieces for cheap not too long ago, and I'm gonna expand it for my living room.

Basically, its a form of stencil art, and my roommate and I are compiling a list of our favorite musicians, movies and cartoons of all time to add to the piece.

I love it, for the first time...
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You should share this method. It would be good to know it.
Well, looks like I'm on this site for another year or so...

...yep, forgot to cancel before payment was made. *shrug* That's alright, I'm kinda starting to like it again. Who knows, perhaps I'll even become somewhat active again here...

Once again, its been awhile... I guess I've decided to stay a bit longer here...

...who knows, maybe I'll become more active again soon here and even meet a few cool people out here in FL.

Out in Florida now? Thats cool. I never liked it there, too hot and sticky. I don't like California either.
Its been awhile since I've even been on this site. I'm leaving it. Its just a money drain for not so interesting photography anymore.

...plus, what's the point of a social networking site where nearly everyone seems to have a 'better than you' attitude? I have plenty of other things to do and people to see... I don't believe that I've really gained much from...
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So, if anyone's noticed my absence as of late, my apologies... lots of shit's been going on in my world and its prevented me the time necessary to devote to websites n such. With that out of the way, lets just skip by what all that stuff was and go on to the purpose of this visitation into my thoughts...

...holy fuck. I just watched...
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Today, I turn some things around...

The goal list: (in general order)

Start laundry
Clean the kitchen
Continue laundry
Clean the living room
Go apply for new jobs
Continue laundry
Clean the bathroom
Continue laundry
Clean my room
Finish laundry
Go to the bike bar run
Iron/hang up/put away laundry
Get some rest for tomorrow

...with some eating n such between.

Wish me luck kids....
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I was actually looking at daveschool.com also in florida
I've come to realize that its time for a change. I can't take the way life has been going lately.

The other night I had a breakdown. I just completely lost control. Long story short, for the second night in a row, I saw someone that I couldn't handle seeing. No, not the same person, but still. Beyond that, there were also issues with the...
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You'll figure it all out and know what to do when the time comes. I was in a similar situation two years ago (almost to the day!) - hated my bar gig - wanted to do something more... finally just decided to make the leap, quit the job, put my shit in a u-haul and moved to colorado.... where I started another really irritating restuaurant job until my grad program started.. but it was totally worth it. Good luck! biggrin