I had a most un-productive weekend considering it was raining and I was sick as hell. I spent all day saturday stuck on the couch in pain. I had a sinus cold so bad that my teeth hurt. Now it's down to a sore throat, but hopefully the halls will take care of that. We're supposed to go to Gainsville thursday to see Against Me!,...
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wow we had the same weekend.....

Sinus cold, hurting teeth and rain....well i got rain/snow mix.

i Hope you are feeling better...geeze i was pretty pissed that my weekend was soo f#$ked...monday sunny warm....not sick but work.

And i miss the Queens show last wednesday.... mad

Get to that show man.....
I have nothing new to update. It's been raining and that's preventing me from skating. Hope everybody had a good St. Pattys day. We ended up going to 4 different places since we had a mix crowd of cool people and douche bags. Half wanted to go to dance clubs and the rest of us wanted to go and watch local bands at a bar....
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I went and saw Against Me! last night in Tallahassee and I've got to say those guys are some of the coolest people I've ever met. Tom and I played against them in fooseball (and got our asses stomped) before they went on; and afterwords we hung out and talked. They've got a show in Gainsville at the end of the month and we're going...
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I like your style wink wink

I only wish that the walmarts here in canada were open 24 hours.
Saturday night one of my friends told me she had feelings for me. It was a very akward since she's dating one of my friends. She was talking as if I wanted a relationship with her; telling me that I make her feel a certain way and that she likes me not being personal with her. It kind of made me uncomfortable, since I don't...
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The internet and alchohol have some things in common...and the first thing is it much easier to say anything when using either.

I think that if you can do it sober and in person...you are a much stronger and probably more sincere...but iam a hypcrite. So whatever.
Yee haw! Today is my birthday. Getting older sucks ass, unless you're not 21 yet, then it's okay. I get my car back tomorrow, my parents are driving it down from Alabama. I can't wait to drive again. I had something witty to say, but my brain just blacked out, so there goes that idea. I think I'll go out and celebrate getting decrepid, woo...
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well then there you go, but i will tell you never had a crush on a Don yet....usally Jays...but seems like every second guy is a Jay....so maybe ill change it up abit..cause i am not having too much luck with the Jays...

So the Don;s it is wink
Well the show was fantastic! It was the best show I've been to since I saw Propagandhi back in '96. I took a bunch of pics but even at the smallest file size on my digi it's still too large to fit onto this site. I have no idea how to scale them down either. Oh well. If you want a pic of the show...
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A Big Happy Birthday to You.

kiss kiss kiss
Some friends and I will be making a road trip down to New Orleans today. Hot Water Music and Flogging Molly are playing at the House of Blues tonight and we've got tickets to the sold out show. I hear it's being touted as "the show not to miss". We've got a hotel on the French Quarter so we can easily stumble back and forth...
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Nothing new going on. My life is pretty boring as of late. I really need to get my car back. Being stuck in my house is getting me stir crazy. I need to buy some candles to make the house smell good. skull
i know what you mean...i have started cleaning out closets and my basement..cause i got this stir crazy down.

The only thing that i am quite upset about it my coffee maker decided to crap out on me today. I went 3 days with out one then today just felt like it....but i guess its not as bad as the car situation.....

I hope it works out for you soon kiss
It seems that fate has intervened and is preventing me from getting my sleeve done. I was just out of Montgomery, AL when my engine decided it didn't want to run anymore. So now instead of spending my money on my tattoo, I have to spend it on a new engine, hooray! It's also disheartening that Brandon is booked up for the rest of the...
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Thanks for the sweet comment. I was alittle freaked out about having to get the glasses in the beginning but they have seemed to work out quite nicely. I think that they offset the tattoos nicely...lol..

Anyways complete sorry to hear about you crap weekend.. I understand. It may be that we are in different situations but the general feeling of sucking is present for both of us.

Hey whats the weather like down there.... wink

I think i need a vacation from the sick and the snow biggrin
I got some ink done on Saturday. I got one-half of the background to my chest piece done. I go to get the other half on the 21st. I leave for Atlanta on Wednesday to start work on my sleeve. I'm pretty stoked on that. I wonder what Brandon Bond has cooked up in the way of art work for it. Me and a bunch...
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Happy Valentines Day to you too . (which is weird that i do so, cause i dont like to believe in it, but i am just jaded). kiss kiss
I hate working with Idiots. skull
I spent most of my day putting new songs on my iBook so's that I can transfer them to my iPod. As you can tell my life is hella exciting. I need to buy some film and take some pics. It started raining again tonight so that ruins my plans for skating. I hate when I have nothing to write about. skull
the symphony on saturday was writen by a guy who was going mentally insane when he wrote it..so it is supposed to be quite dark..i guess thats why i am psyched for it. Seems to be raining quite a bit down there.

I spent most of my day looking for a job and napping...... whatever