So, I'm done logging into mobile for a while, I think I followed and unfollowed everyone at least three times last night, sorry for double notifications if you got em.

So flipping busy as of late, I don't want to be away so long next time smile
Life has been horrifying in some rites and wonderful in others as of late.

I've gotten more support from my friends for my art, but less when it comes to home it seems... I've been trapped in a loop of depression but on my weekends when I see those that I create for I am uplifted...

This weekend I am at the Ashville Viking fest...
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listen to the good things smile
I am trying, I cannot wait till my next gig.
So, working on that depression thing....

So, if anyone is in the cinci area this weekend, pop by loveland castle!
Id love to see your smiles.
So, life has become a 9-6 job in dublin and then coming home to code, enjoy dinner and if I'm lucky enjoy a cuddle. Granted I enjoy this, but im always wanting more. I want adventure. I want crazy. I want danger and randomness.
I need an energy shot, it is the only way I will have everything ready for this show. soooo much to do....
Good luck smile
It went ok all things considered. Thank you for your support!
A random dose of testosteroni (the san francisco treat)

Behold! I am man (albeit with a few extra pounds and the mind of a 500 year old sage and the rage of a 3000 year old egyptian warrior) but, behold! I am man!

Tree? HAH It is felled! (and moved back to be part of a new compost pile)

Rotting wood pile? HAHAHA! Also in...
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Haha, that was well worth the read!
Why, Thank you lass!
A funny thing....
So Staples messed up my order, thought they lost it, the vendor screwed up and didnt mark anything, so the order was replaced. Went to pick it up and voila double order the store stated that it was the vendors fault and I agree, it was sitting for over a month.. the store thought they were getting new displays. so double the...
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OH! Also, bought myself new boots and I'm finally getting a utilikilt. It's about time I had my workman.

Had a lot thrust upon me on Friday, hoping I can live up to the expectations of my manager here.... While my current supervisor is out of town, I am now the big man on campus. essentially, I get blamed if things go wrong and handshakes if things go right. In the 2 days that he has been in miami... already had 2 fires...
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