OKay nobody say a fucking thing... yep you guessed it i had the tickets for tuesday night.. the one that got cancelled!!!!

Was i ever pissed off... so i got really very drunk.. screwed a long time friend and got so off my head on drugs i'm surprised i'm still alive...

damn throat infections...
yeah I heard about that show, you poor man.
Did you get to go to the other show? or totally miss out?
Yeee haaa, going to Melbourne tonight. That means in about five days time i will be seeing radiohead live for their last gig in their current world tour. I mean hell it's only been 6 years since i saw them last but hey. Not to mention the pharmecutical binge that i will be indulging in this weekend. However it looks like i will miss the...
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Have fun at Radiohead!!! ...
skull XX
Ahhhh Radiohead! I'm jealous!
I nearly ripped out the credit card... common sense prevailed!
But I did manage to see 'em on the OK Computer tour! wink
Having just watched High Fidelity again, i have to say that it has to be one of the best films i have seen. But i'm watching the deleted scenes and noticed that some were in the original cinematic release but not on the dvd version... wouldn't it make sense to include more on the dvd rather than edit it further? I suppose this new revelation...
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yeah that movie rocks smile
Fuck, it's 2am and no one is online, well none of my friends at least.. when did they get lives?

My crush is getting worse.. now i can't close my eyes, and i'm having problems with love, lust and all that crap... why must life be so complicated????
This old saying will answer all you questions on life.
Why do dogs lick their dicks, because they can!

HAve you ever done something so stupid you wish you could die? No? well i have and i wish i could... and you know it was almost 8 months ago... in fact it was ten months ago,... i hate myself and what i have become...

right now i haave developed a crush on a girl i work with.. maybe its just lust i don't know...
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Fuck i have to give this hedonism gig up, i think it's killing me. I saw the sun rise for the first time in a long time, and when your drug fucked it isn't nearly as spectatular as it should be!
Fuck this, i hate university right now! Why i acn't get motivated about it is beyond me, i mean this normally doesn't happen until just before exams, now it seems endemic! For now i think i'll just cruise through on one unit a semester, i mean i have a job i enjoy and a rolliking social life, i mean what more does a young man...
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Better than me i already missed one assignmnet due date...
what are you doing at uni?
i was hideously unmotivated all last year
it was

are you going part time?
i want to do go part time next year and do some arts units and be a bum
it sounds more satisfying than the hell i'm in presently


tofu rules

mad ARRR!!! oink
What an amazing night! If i hadthe money i would have run out today and bought the elbow ep. I think they really deserve their comparisons to Radiohead and Coldplay, i think i even heard a little Muse in there as well!

And the Placebo set, wow again, much like their set in August but with more passion. THe expanded lineup really does allow Brian...
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Hey.. more perth people can only be a good thing eh? we have to make up for being so far away from the rest of the world.


Whilst I'm sleeping one of my personalities must have logged on, he has a problem with my grammar and spelling! So it does count in that case... but then who's counting hey!

I like Elbow too! And I wish that I went to see Placebo! Maybe they'll be back in few months, they seem to enjoy our weather! tongue
Can't wait for the Placebo concert tonight, that is going to rock hard.

Got another tattoo on my left arm today, damn these things are getting expensive!

I'll probably post again when i get home to rave about the gig, so for all 3 people that might read this, wait in anticipation!
I feel so numb, what have i become?
Why do i have to feel this way?
Why won't this feeling go away?
Can't you help me become somebody else?
Take me to a place where i can be happy.

i wrote that before work, i know its not the best and some of the words might not be original, but still it seemed to sum...
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Yeah thats the feeling I get from working, most of the time you can leave feeling fairly satisfied and happy. But there are some days where it can get the better of you, and boy do those days suck some ass! whatever
Bloody awesome is all i can say! Who would have thought that a symphony orchestra could make such a difference, okay yes metallica fans have been saying it for a while but who listens to them anymore? Well lets say the Whitlams rocked...

On the negative side well it's not really negative but i can tell you winter in Perth is on its way! A...
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Damn, i hate when you forget to save stuff... well anyway i'll try again.

i have updated my profile so now you can judge me more on me than where i come from. Please don't be cruel!

The weekend started with a bang, had a pretty poor x-trip but you expect that sometimes, wish i didn't have to back up for work but again thats...
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