Afternoon all, it is insanely dull weather today and my adobe creative suite has expired which means the jobs I was planning on doing today I no longer can – in some ways that’s good because I can just hibernate. But I also love being super creative and what not, so back to good old pen and paper to draw today.

In the mean time...
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Hey everyone,

I'm in a super pumped up mood right now because I'm off to V Festival tomorrow, literally so excited to the point I'm dancing silly on my own right now..

Festival Season is my favourite, it goes on for months! The atmosphere festivals have is pure joy and you get to make friends and bond with people through the love of music, how...
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It can't be beaten. I've been 9 or 10 times and still haven't experienced it all. There's so much going on. 
Have a wonderful time!

Hey all,

Super sorry that I haven't been active but a lot has gone on over the past few months including finishing my university course after 3 years, so in September I will be graduating with an honers degree in Graphic Design, WOOH. I can definitely say it wasn't as easy as I thought and had a lot of troubles throughout including my immune system...
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Hello all, quick random fact about myself is that on the side of study for a degree - I'm a musician.

I can play the saxophone and the drums, however my drums are my speciality and I literally can't live without them! I've been playing for over 8 years now, I have been taught to play in all kinds of styles from pop, rock,
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Hello all,

I thought I should actually respond and start doing my blog homework so here we go,

"What inspired you to become a Suicide Girl?"

So it all began when a fellow Suicide Girl showed me the site and all the crazy stuff she has done since becoming one. My first thought was 'holy crap these girls are beautiful'. I followed all the social...
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You're beautiful!
I love the part when you talk about scars, marks etc and that they make you who you are. I think exactly the same way - every bit of me is experience and time spended in my life. No matter what. Good luck.