So. today consisted of.

beer. nakieness. more nakieness in front of the camera. Got some amazing fucking shots today. I was really happy with the way they turned out.. Now I have a couple sets to my name stashed on my compy smile fucking right! Just gotta put them to use now! Anyways. Im about to pass the hella out. but my hair is in pink...
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i bet thats coo' lookin. cant wait to see.
I get naked tomorrow.

its going to be hot.

I get naked everyday. what's so hot about tomorrow?
I get a kitten today. woooo! Im really fucking excited. I'll get him after the bbq tonight, he's so fucking cute. In other news. white trash bbq is today, Im actually excited for this too. like woah. Im gettin all decked out, should be good times! More update on the fun later, along wtih piccys from the event! Im sure lots of drunken piccys!

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Another day passes. Not living in Colorado is odd. Although I do love living here in Saint Louis. I got tickete to the Hallowicked shows in Chicago and Saint Louis, and my ticket for Twiztid. Ive also been on a downloading frenzy lately as well. I <3 my music.

As far as life in general, its been ok. classes are decently easy. and my friends...
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Hiking today was amazing. although those stairs were hell! It was still alot of fucking fun. Im quite happy with the new group of people Ive met since I moved here. There are a few people that are just fucking fantastic smile

I need to clean today, well tomorrow, well whatever. I need to go new underwear or material shopping soon. hotness. i <3 getting new...
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I think my depression is starting to kick back in. and Im not sure why. Oh well, Im going to do my best to fight it. I like being positive and upbeat, and not sad.

Today, is hiking! 4 miles of excercising and nature goodness! Im excited. Its gonna rock some fucking socks! I need to pack water and yummy munchies before we go.

Went out to teh ulounge tonight, had a drink, saw pple.

came home after that. I was so tired, im still tired from this weekend.

.... now im just jammin out, about to post new pics
words become bullets
aimed for my head
shattering my thoughts
infectious disease

random ramblings
insanities clutch
embracing darkness
no painless release

sleep in the past
where good memories lay
the present to cluttered
to diferentiate

walls move sober
stay still fucked up
stuttering speech
shakes & mental breaks

tunneling vision
overpowering my will
tears stream
no escape
I cant sleep frown and that makes me sad. I feel retardedly lonely right now. but i got some good fucking words out of it all. im gonna go through a damn notebook here soon if im not careful..


/ashie out