I have chosen.... Seraphim will be the one I paint next. I am not yet sure whether to make her a Nymph or a Mermaid yet... smile
Ooooh, seraphim as a nymph.
For some odd reason someone wants to know what I look like. Fine. I am a short hairy troll like thing. I look like Wolverine if he got sodomized with an ugly stick. I've been told that on bad days I look like Jack Black or Henry Rollins on a good day. I weigh anywhere from 250-265 pds and yet I am not fat and...
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if you are a fan of the cruxshadows, maybe you would be interested in joining the CXS group? we would love to have you! Join The Cruxshadows Group
I have finally finished painting Arete. As soon as I have some sort of digital camera I will post them. I wonder who I will paint next..... i am in the mood for an evil gothic one....hmmmmm smile
I would love to see that.
I know it has been a while and that I don't write really moving or even funny stuff in my journal. I do though want to say thanx to everybody on the messageboards for saying something. I do so like watching and observing all these comments. Thanx............ smile
XTC certainly does rock. smile
I just noticed your 6th April post in the "Song Lyrics That Give You Chills," or whatever, in which you mention Alison Krauss. A lot of her stuff just kills me, but I just now ordered Mark Simos' long-awaited latest CD--he wrote "Crazy Faith" and "Take Me For Longing"--he's got a hideous voice, he should never sing at all, ever, but his lyrics cut like a knife. When it arrives I'll email you a .wma or two, if you're interested . . .
Things got me through the day. Suicide Girls, getting tickets for Assemblage 23, Garbage, and VNV nation, getting my project done. Finally my unending supply of hate and willpower. skull
I am starting to become familiar with this technology thing but inherently I still don't like or trust it....I always was such a primitive.... skull skull
I am curious as to why people are so inhumane to other people? skull
Well I am amazed at how good Seraphim Shock was. Better than what I thought they would be. I am bored by this whole schiavo thing and just wished the coverage would end. Goddamn media!!!!!!!!!! skull
College is annoying. Nothing to do but homework and trying my damndest to avoid it. skull robot