my sweetie is so cute...he is planning a birthday party for me....yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

its gonna be at this arcade/bar with family and frineds.....

oh and he ordered me a cake to today and it is flippin awesome.....its gonna be the 1up mushroom from mario brothers....

That's awesome, hope you have as much fun as it sounds like it will be
Thanks I'm so excited for my party...gonna be lots of fun to get out and hang out with friends and family
I having to wait to fid out if i got my financial aid or not........so fuckin irritating....now im not able to take classess this semester because the school takes forever......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
im sure ull get it dear n ull be able to start school too
nice way to end a crap day.......................................

my mom taught me to make spanish rice and green chilie.............yummmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love my mom

ohhh that sounds soo good

i absolutly hate it when people annoy the shit outta me.....especially when i have to live with them..........

i just wanna be able to enjoy my last day off for the week and relax and do very little.........

but no....nothing can ever go the way i would like them to.....i have to do everything under the sun and i don't get even a min...
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ohhhh!! frown i send you tons of hugs smile
try to stay positive lady lovelove
another night of not being able to sleep....this is bullshit......hopefully the sleeping pill that i just took will kick in soon so i can get some rest.......
change of plans getting my lip done tomorrow.....pics well be up soon
so excited getting my lip pierced on tuesday!!!!!!!!

this last weekend and the beginning of this week have been so good

I think things are looking up.....

Im so proud of the place that my life is...

another long day......long but good.....

bought the rest of my furtinture and got the new couch moved into my house......

my sweetie also bought me some new perfume....Burberry Brit Sheer...yummmmmm

so glad its my friday last night for the week then im off the next 4 days.....

I haven't slept much so hopefully tomorrow i get to catch up on some much needed rest
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally a good day....got most of my new furniture and it will be delievered on sunday...........

my sweetie bought new tv and bought me new kitchen stuff.....woot woot.....

now tomorrow gotta go by new bed and a few other things then to bed before work.....

Things seem to be looking up for me!!!

OH I almost forgot maybe next week I may go get...
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sounds awsom edear i hope u have more good dayssmile
Off to work again tonight.......

For monkey's sake why does everything have to go completely the opposite way that I want them to.....

I would just like one thing to work out for me......


oh well i guess i just gotta keep my head up and maybe soon things will be just the way I want
im sure it will all get better soon dear have a good day a workkiss