Why am I incapable of holding a proper conversation with any "normal" human, especially those inhabiting my own age group?

Why must religion dictate everything about our world?

Why is Blue Bunny Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt so fucking good?

These are the questions that plague my consciousness.


So I sent my aunt a thank you note thanking her for all of the random stuff...
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1) Because people are typically devoid of any retained knowledge and get all their information through sound bites (your age group moreso than any other really... by the time you were really conscious, you lived in a media driven world.)

2)Because the above sound byte people find it easier to adhere to vaguely worded ancient prose than they do to think for themselves and create purposeful, self-driven ethics.

3)I can't answer this, I don't eat very much sugar.
Ok, so I had blog failure, so I'm going to try and do this again.

I graduated Friday, and it was not very fun. Hot and sweaty and I felt ridiculous in my cap and gown. The cap made my ears stick out. I thought that I would have some sense of pride or SOMETHING at SOME point throughout the ceremony, but all I had...
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Thank you for showing love on my new set! xxxx
They are 00s.You're good.

I woke up at 7am to make it to graduation practice at 9am.
I came home and watched Doctor Who? on SciFi until 1pm, when Mark joined me and we watched until the end of the marathon (4 o'clock). I really like the new Doctor. He's sexy. love It makes me giggle when British people say "Banana".
Went to WalMart to buy more tampons and...
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Congratulation on your gradulation. Goin' to collage, or starting an exciting new career in retail? biggrin
I just finished this great movie called "Stranger Than Fiction"; it made me cry. I tend to judge the quality of movies by the amount of tears I shed throughout the coarse of the film. I cried like a baby right at the end. Will Ferral was amazing, and I never like any of Will Ferral's other movies, so I was skeptical when my boyfriend...
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I do hope you carry an umbrella biggrin Welcome to the harem, and my hair and I appreciate the complement. kiss miao!!
I'm just glad I discovered good films, even if they are usually buried under Hollywood crap.

I saw people leaving after "Planet Terror" both times I saw "Grindhouse". Though at least they missed out on the thirty minutes of Tarantino "pop-culture reference masturbation" that we had to sit through before "Death Proof" actually got, y'know, good.
I have aproximately 30 minutes before I have to leave for work.

That should be enough time for a little update!

Things have been hectic. To add to the stress of working two jobs and trying to finish up high school, one of my beloved cats of twelve years got very sick from a stomach tumor and died last tuesday. His name was Tiger, and...
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1. I had no idea you were only in high school! You are very mature and I'm impressed that you work 2 jobs AND go to school at the same time!

2. I am so sorry about you kitty. That made me very sad to read.

3. Congradulations on graduation!
I'm glad you liked my Comic Dreams set!

I'm in a slightly better mood today, though tired from working all weekend.

Tomorrow I get to perform my Hormone Skit in Anatomy class. Check it!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Hormone Skit


Norepinephrine Man and Epinephrine Woman enter.

Norepinephrine Man hits the desk in front of Courtney.

NM: Do you know what just happened? You just got a big dose of us!! Motions to...
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Aw, thank you! wink
well good luck... dont forget to have fun with all that work
Ok... so

I have been in a funk as of late. I have so much to do, and very little motivation to do it.

I am a senoir in high school, I graduate in about 5 weeks, and I am not the least bit exited/scared/nervous/happy/distressed or any other emotion that would be appropriate for such a time in one's life. Instead, I am completely bored...
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College is easier for me to focus on simply because its now something that I enjoy and am actually genuinely interested in. Of course now that my college graduation is just a few days away, I'm getting really ready to be out of here.

As for being bored... I tend to binge on things. I'll pick one thing and put all of my spare time into it simply because I get bored and I'm like "hey, I was doing that before and it occupied me so I'll just keep doing it." It works up untill you get so damn sick of it you cant stand to look at it anymore. Then it takes a while to find a new addiction.

I was happy to be out of high school, but I was so depressed the day of my college graduation. I didn't want to leave! The idea of being tossed out into the "real world" was very scary, but now that I'm here I'm enjoying the freedoms. Paied vacation? OMG it's fantastic! No homework? Fabulous! biggrin
I don't know what to think, I don't know what to feel.

I was going to Virginia Tech next year.

I have been crying so much today, I don't know how to deal with it.

Just another thing that increases my beliefs as an agnostic.

How could something like this happen? I don't understand it.

I just want to stay in my bed where the...
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thank you for commenting on my set, you put a smile on my face kiss
Thank god that your friends are allright.
What happend there is awfull, can't understand why people can even do that.
You look cute after 11 hours.
what Baci said^^

Hedwig is absolutely great but Rocky is so much of a classic in my opinion...

thank you for the friend request!

I got a turtle today for $10 from some Asian man. I named him Kame-Sama (Mr. Turtle) I'm pretty sure it's a boy. oh well. Will post pictures as soon as I get that damned camera. I will have much catching up to do as far as pictures go
Ok... so

You know you've just watched a really damned good movie when you cry not only through practically the entire thing, but for the credits as well and 15 minutes afterwards.

I'm still a bit teary-eyed in fact.

I've heard some people complain about how the film was nothing like what they expected because it was too gory to be a fairy tale.

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