so i'm in a fabulous mood right now...a friend of mine whom i haven't really talked to in a while was e-mailing me asking how i was doing, and as i was writing about sg, my thesis, possible grad work, and so on, i realized things are really looking up right now and a lot more positive than i realized. having that kind of hope...
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Well, most of the time lighting is an issue. It is for me still and I've been doing studio work for 30 years. But I still like what you're doing.

I have traveled and stayed in Morristown since 1975. I would estimate about 15 times, because of my previous work with AT&T, Bell Labs, and Bellcore - but now retired (thank God).

I should go back, take my studio equipment and have a shoot with you!!! smile

Thanks for sharing your work.
wow...22 yrs for a cat, thats impressive. you have deffinatly been taking good care of him and giving him good luvin.
and while i can maybe see some of the tech issues with your pics, the main thing that i notice is that you are drop dead gorgeous and should have no problem becomming an SG. you DEFFINATLY have the stuff girl. good luck.
feeling verbose at the moment so i figured i'd blather on and post something that may or may not have any relevant points whatsoever. seems it's gotten chillier outside again, i was enjoying those few days of spring-like weather...all the moisture and rain smelled so invigorating. i tend to despise sunlight as it hurts my eyes and makes everything too bright (i was born in...
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Thank you very much for your comment on the Circus set!!
thank you so much for your comment on my set!! you're a sweetie!! kiss
and you're fabulously gorgeous!! what a great first set love
so hooray - got my e-mail back yesterday, now it's on to filling out paperwork! woohoo!!! smile and i actually found my social security card, who knew i was smart and put it somewhere i really would find it. gotta come up with some good ideas for shoots now...
congrats and good luck
Well imagine that, another architecture school survivor! Of course, for all I know, many of your professors may have been sane, so perhaps we should say no more about that.

I have no doubt you will extract something impressive from this protracted bout of acute perfectionism. I'd like to pass on the oft-repeated, and very inspiring suggestion to simply collect poses you like and copy them. It's a well established and respected tradition. smile

Software can work wonders to remove color casts and improve lighting in what may appear to be irredeemable photographic disasters. Just make sure you have a large and very good monitor for this otherwise the results can be most unfortunate.

Now, this business of putting something away and then finding it again; how do you do that?? The secret continues to elude me! smile
okey, well...just did it. sent in the application. i figured i've been dicking around long enough now, so i just picked 6 of my favorite photos and that was that. liberating indeed, now i get to anxiously await a response. gotta love being neurotic...

i must say, the photo shooting process has become addictive. i can't wait to keep building on what i've done so...
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yay, i'm glad you submitted your photos. i'm sure you'll be accepted to model ... then you can get started on a set biggrin ... sadly both the photographers i want to go to only pass through my city and don't actually live here, so it'll still be a while for me ... oh well
so i suppose i'm wondering how difficult it is to actually get accepted as a suicidegirl...i've done four photo shoots with a friend of mine, hoping to garner a few choice images to send in with my application. should i stop being so picky and just fucking apply already? i want to present my best...too many years with that "nothing less than perfect" mentality beaten...
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welcome to the site smile
You'll get a vote from me! That first shot up there is awesome. And the third. As well as the 2nd. Well, ok, they're all pretty bad-ass.
i suppose i could be considered a suicide girl hopeful...been doing a few photo shoots with friends to get some good shots to send to you lovely folks. i'm always looking for more diversity in my life...i'm lucky to have the friends i do that put up with my general inanity, but i definitely want to indulge my darker side without fear of alienation and...
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well then, welcome to sg