isn't this the most amazing picture? totally cool. once again, KoS creates picture magic.

other than that, its monday (in all its non-glory), and i'm on my way to one of the most boring meetings on the planet. woo.

this may be the shortest entry ever. biggrin
i need your wordy expertise baby!
I like your new picture!
it.is.finished. well, just this one little tiny piece of the overall scriptian puzzle. there is soooo much editing that must be done by - eek - next week! i am supposed to have my preliminary performance layout by then, but i am not so sure about that right now.

soooo, if you all will indulge me, i am going to make this a bit of...
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anyway, i crashed out but we had a wonderful time as usual. KoS helped me figure out my camera whoo hoo!!! i cant wait to learnmore. im gonna be a crazy lady with the pics. miao!!
lovely. evoking memories and feelings in succinct words. who can not relate to poetry like this in some way?
ok, sweet babies, my dreamscapes are going to soon require a parental advisory. *whew* disclaimer - this may be one of those tmi entries ... if you don't want to know about the wonkier parts of the spiderwoman, then this is not the entry for you. ok, minus at least 25% of the ominousness of that tone. hee.

anyway, so for the last two weeks...
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gah! you are right! we share the same dream patterns *shiver*
time point is when i infect something then i take a small sample at 4 hr intervals during the day. later i measure each time point to assess how fast the virus is growing. your nerdishness is fine but really, its not that exciting!

anyway, ive been meditating on and off for years. ive recently become much more committed to it. i do have a neti pot. i used it this past weekend, but somehow i wonder if it really helps for the sinuses. i mean it cleans the nasal passages but can it get into the sinuses? what do you think?

only i moment for now, but i must thank KoS and his lovely daughter for my new art. precious, no? i will return in a bit, but just had to praise the incredible artistic turn. note, the subtle aquariusness of said arachnid ... oh, and it seems a protective skull or two. wink
hehe. I wondered if anybody got welntaod's punster name....
I'm bummed I missed the SGCT meeting ! Oh well, I get to see the pix Welntaod took.
I'm sacked out from lifting old people at work. Gotta go lie down and read...
I posted before, but it didnt take, sorry bout that.

I am glad you like it, i am impressed that you did mention a few of the little things that make it special. There are still 2 other thinks in the pic that if you pick up on, you win a prize smile

I hope that you are doing well, and that your sis is lined out nicely. The gang all loved getting to talk to you, you have to make sure you add them to your friends list.

Hoping that you are having an incredible night.

wow - the new semester avalanche is uponst my head - woooooosh. the first small section of media criticism is tomorrow and i have a 3 page lesson plan - decidedly too much, but hopefully it will prevent a discussion lag on the first day. i want my new students to be excited about the semester.

i will return to post/reply tonight or tomorrow, but...
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and we're thinking of you too. kiss
Ah shucks... *kicks dirt* blush
outside my window, a world of white ... yup, it snowed! its brrrr cold, but it is very pretty. there is a lake type thing behind my apt which is surrounded by trees, and right now everything is white. lovely.

school stuff is taking shape, but more on that later. i am going to follow the verse trend and put something up. basically, first is...
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Thank you, my dear. blush Your mind is quite gingery sweet as well. Such amazing poetry, transfixing me and moving me to silent wonder. Thank the gods of internet serendipity for bring us into one another's spheres. love

Serious congrats on the garter set. Garter's have a special place in my sensual mind, because they are just so . . . . mmmmmmm sexy. *Thinks XXX thoughts about garters and you* Teehee! blush

You are amazing! *full body heart hug*
Thanks for everything last night, i appreciate the journal post and want to let you know that it will not be forgotten. I want to say so much, but i think that i will email you with all of that later today.
Thanks again, you dont know how much it meant.

Forever into you,
its a full moon and all things are skewed. i shall search for things bright and glittery to distract me from the uchus. confused

why aren't i ever writing brilliant poetry or having spine crushing sex on a full moon? somehow i always get hyped up for it (in a positive way), but it kerfuffles into not so much.

i think i am suffering from tv...
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New promise to myself with life after cable - To read the dozens of books I own and have yet to pick up! You should double dog dare yourself to unplug the tube for a week of your choice! There'll be nothing so important to watch 'cause you won't know about anything coming on! That was always my excuse - "Fuck! I can't leave...that Discovery Channel special on medieval catapult building competition is coming on!" blackeyed
You have a rad member name.

Yes, I said rad.
brilliant, bright, sunshiny morning ... the smell of clorox from my freshly cleaned kitchen ... limbre from morning yoga ... feeling good today.

tomorrow begins a new semester. i want to be decidedly on top of my game. i just retouched my orange bangs and added a stripe of bright cherry red, so i will look forward to the big eyed looks from those who...
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the colours work as this..... Your posts , as well as admins and staff will be that light brown... Suicide girls will be light pink... those on your friends list will be purple and everyone else will alternate Light and dark grey

Hope that helps biggrin
My advice is go to your local public library & see if they have Consumer Reports from a couple of months ago...all about dig. cameras of all shapes & sizes. They may also have psuedo-instructional books for newbies. smile
so, as promised, the drag bingo tale. actually, the evening was fun, but not exactly wildness. basically it is standard bingo, but the callers are drag queens and it serves as a fundraiser for the local aids service organization. i have done alot of work in public health with hiv/stds, so i try to stay involved. they hold the event regularly, but i was especially...
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Damn straight that skulls can kick ANY snowmans ass.

Tammy Faye is going to be on the "surreal life" show with vanilla ice, which should be a hoot.
And as far as the guy that put his mitts on ya, well, it wasnt you that caused him to bolt........ I confess it was my many minions stitched into your sweater. They report directly to me (you know, the whole King of Skulls thing) and they used their incredible telepathic power to give him a mental wedgie by my command.
I couldn't resist......sorry.
Oh, you should wear that sweater more often lol, preferably with some chain mail. biggrin
God how I wish that wasn't just a delusion on my part, sigh.
I am so glad that you got out and had a good time; it was well earned on your part after the move and all.

Thanks for the kind words in my journal, your posts always make my day a lot brighter.
The computer Gods must like you... I added you to my friends list and you appeared twice. I'm now torn between my desire to delete your doppleganger and my longing for more friends.... confused
greetings my beloveds. i am utterly exausted, but i missed you all dearly so i had to catch up. so, what's the haps, you ask?

in news of the weird, i am at a support garment crossroads. what is that, you ask? well, basically i need new skivvies and want to adopt a whole new lingerie style. sounds cool, you say. well, yes and no....
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You like spiders, huh? That's cool.....

Ever been walking through the woods in the pitch black darkness and feel one web break across your face? I can't describe to you the fright and hysteria..... Nothing to do but keep ur mouth shut and continue on...............

Fuckin' sux my ass.........................
edited to say:

Ever see that scene in Ace Ventura where he's so afraid of bats, and has to go into that cave full of bats and he comes running out like a spaz swatting all over his body and screaming, "THEY'RE IN MY HAIR!!! THEY'RE IN MY HAIR!!!"?
It's like that.

[Edited on Jan 04, 2004 9:57AM]
Ha, you asked for an opinion so here it is....
CHAIN MAIL underwear...... It solves all problems. I swear it does. Chain mail is way cool, tough, gives off the right look, support, and protection. It fits under clothes, its easily repairable (some pliers and a dog collar), totally customizable (remove a few links here, add a few there) will last forever, easy to clean, and it gives the wearer +2 to charisma and armor class. Airport security could pose a small problem, but at least you would give them something to talk about for a couple decades, and just think of the eye candy factor alone.

Its something to consider biggrin

Sunshine rules!

As far as the New Year sadness goes, just remember if you get feeling down, that you have an army of friends behind you wishing you well, being there just for you. Close your eyes and just think of the awesome power that is, to know that all of us are there in spirit to help you thru the tough times my dear. Its a wonderful feeling isnt it?
Peace to you and yours, hope to hear from you soon.

oh my god, i loveloveLOVE you guys!! seriously, you are the BEST. bestbest.

i am unpacking and in madness, so this will be brief, but i will return/respond soon.

this is especially happy because my roommate is doing her dramatic victorian "take to the bed" thing - grrrrrr.

NOW i feel better! and welcome WELCOME new, wonderful friends!!

soonsoon - a kiss kiss kiss
It is pretty swett! *sigh*

Unpacking? have you moved???
Glad you liked the tune smile While you are busy unpacking....I am busy packing.....*sigh*

Happy new year!
today is one of those days where i feel oh so dull - not necessarily boring, but literally without edges ... not sharp. this morning i poked my neck and stomach with pointy scissors in an act of sensation seeking. *pokepoke* it was pleasant, but not exactly rousing. even my dear chum green tea only produced a mild lift. this whole relocation thing is more...
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What an amazing entry! I too believe that space takes on the lingering vibrations of the spirits that occupied it. Cleansing and blessing space is an essential part of my new year's rituals. This year, I hope to purchase some space of my very own, but I'm also scared of all that will entail. How a space feels will be a major factor in my decision. Your words are so beautiful.

Samosas are the best!! There is a tea shop that I sometimes frequent that makes the most amazing samosas. I'm going to learn to make them this year, as I have found a recipe from Madhur Jaffery, which I can't wait to try! (Told you I was a foodie. I read cookbooks like other people devour fiction. Teehee!)

I do love the fae and all the nature spirits, but they are dangerous to call on, so I just admire them from a distance. The words are the Brahma Gayatri mantra. To hear it sung is pure bliss. Basically, it translates as:

We meditate on the transcendental glory of the Deity Supreme, who is inside the heart of the earth, inside the life of the sky, and inside the soul of Heaven. May He stimulate and illumine our minds.

Hope that you have a bright and blessed new year.

PS- Could I join your friends list?
Hey Sweety hope year coming year is the best yet luv ya