Every time I've been by the site is crash-ed! Very silly!

Tsunami bites my hands a lot. But it's cute! I mean just look at his pic!

I finally got my delicious Adobe products, sans instructions. So if anyone knows how I can snag some free literature on Illustrator and Photoshop, let me know.

Tsunami also likes to bite computer mice and use keyboards as...
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i used to have a bunch of candids up. me as a nekkid viking in the snow, orange mohawk, drunken revalry, all the good stuff. the site crashed, i lost it, and i dont have a puter with photoshop [i need to resize stuff] without this lameass dialup problem, that wont let me up load. one day... i will find photoshop with a cable modem, and all will be good.
there may not be "defense" in "squid", but there certainly is "dis".whatever
Lots of people on this site are awesome to read, but the Bionic Femme was right up there. Her leaving SG will blow, but you know she is about to go tear a fucking whole in the Earth. She's strong, creative, and fun to a picky bastard like me so I dare anybody to stand in her way. I want to see you smolder.

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wow. that was one hell of a recommendation. smile
oh my god!! tsunami is the cutest! i hope the sniffles pass soon. theyre so funny when they sneeze.
yeah. this fucking country needs to work out some serious kinks right now.
wrote up some stuff about my dreamin' last night. you should go check it out.
I have a new kitten. He's tested. He's healthy.

My little Tsunami.
re: the turkey sandwich entry on Olivia's journal:

What??!? Okay, is that stupid, ignorant, well-intentioned, or just, i dunno, pure dumb??
why thank youkiss i AM sensative to that situation. [sometimes a little too much] when i worked at the shelter, it always made me livid to see the animals treated poorly. i actually threatened a guys life for turning in a dog hed said was a horrible mutt, who really wasnt, and was obviously beaten. grr!
mmm... snickerdoodle coffee.... need coffee....
Okay, let's try this again. Sunday we will go to a real shelter with tests and everything and see if they have a little guy for us.

However, I am totally woozy from kitty tragedy, so if any of you have kitties and webcams, avoid dangling them mockingly in front of the screen. Freaking Nala video! I couldn't even watch the whole thing.

On a...
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awwww. kitty tragedyfrown so sad. no kitty speak from now on.
im not computer savvy enough to post a link to my book, though it should be on the instantpublishers website portfolio.
oh! i was trying to remember the name of the cafepress website! thank you!
my best friend wants me to come out to a party tonight to try to meet new people, but i am really broke. her boyfriend stepped on my oozy foot last night, ripping it open, and therefore forcing me to catch a cab which ended up costing $11 eeek which was my party money. now i have $4. cant do much with that.
the only problem with me going out in public alone is that i look very unapproachable [mad face, headphones] but its to deterr things like the druggie with no septum who asked if he could touch my boob yesterday. [i told him to suck my dick. that made him leave] the city doesnt do much good for social skills. it makes you not ever want to talk to anyone. plus, i dont give out my phone number. too many problems with that in the past. PLUS, im really shy. believe it or not.
Crap. Kitten has FIV, Feline Leukemia, conjuctivitis, and terminal cancer.

Put kitten to sleep.

Fucking awful mood.

I'm sorry about the kitty. frown

Things will get better...I promise.
oh honey. i'm so sorry... and after what happened to the last kitty... frown i'd invite you over to play with my kitten to sheer you up if i could...
Yesterday I answered an ad for a kitten!

I found a gray kitten with a gray nose!

He is right now at the vet's getting checked out!

I hope he doesn't have FIV!


The source of my username is a long story that has surprisingly little to do with actual squid. An injoke that nobody here knows. So instead of explaining it to you, I am going to pretend I actually hate squid and present reasons why you, a member of the SG community, ought to be an anti-squid person yourself.

Antisquid Mantra #1

No matter if...
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i love it! yay! im so antisquid now [except for the occasional calimari]
its coffee that you add cinnamon to the grounds before you brew, and cream and sugar after. check out TNS_Superstars page. i won an award for itbiggrin
Sooooooo sleepy! Waaaaugh!

I will go take my go-go vitamins in an effort to snazz up.


haha yes, thats him
I need go-go vitamins!!! Where do I get some?
I bruised THE HELL out of my tailbone about a week and a half ago, and it's not getting much better. And it's such an awkward bio-hazard that it is beginning to occupy my thoughts. I do not have time for you, tailbone! Bugger off!

I have also discovered that telling your friends you thought the Matrix sequel was lame is a good way to...
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My girlfriend likes the Black and White sets. More, er, please!

Also if everyone could get elaborate Powerpuff tattoos like Mia, they wouldn't necessarily be better for it, but my girlie would say "that's a wise girl" a little more often.

Endeth transmission.