I've got a new Sweaty Pursuits column posted! You can love or hate Manny Ramirez. Or both:
Hope everyone enjoys.
I like Kurt Warner. And you might, too! To find out why, check out my latest Sweaty Pursuits column:

I'm happy my favorite hockey player didn't get dealt at the deadline, if only so my replica jersey with his name and number on it evades obsolescence. Give a honk for The Goose!
I have a new sports column posted! You can find it in the News section, or click the link:
It's me moaning about why I dislike David Beckham!
Full of black coffee.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

My favorite part of blogs is clicking on spoilers, and I just wanted to have one on mine. Yes, this is the worst spoiler ever, sorry.

Spoilers are fun. smile
Bacon Salt has improved my quality of life.

I was happy to watch Hell's Kitchen tonight after not getting my frickin' fix from Fox last week. I wont reveal who was cut loose in case anyone in like French Polynesia or Guam hasn't seen tonights episode; hmm, I suppose people could have DVRed it, too. I should apply to be a contestant next season: while...
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I cant be only one noticing a disturbingly high count of Christmas wreaths still hanging on houses. Or is it just my lamentable neighborhood that's packed with hardcore Yuletiders? Aren't these people aware its after Valentines freakin Day? If theyre actually St. Patricks Day wreaths, I apologize, but I am unaware of that custom. Either way, I am tearing them off house by house as...
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My newest Sweaty Pursuits (For Those Who Like To Watch) sports column is up! If you'd like to find out why I despise the Pro Bowl, check the News section. Or, just click here:
Hope you enjoy!
I'd like to decapitate every Vermont Teddy Bear I see. That's my way of saying, "Happy Valentine's Day!"